Ghost Zone Stumble and Lizzy's Discovery

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When Danny woke up, he really didn't expect to be face to face with Fright Knight.

"Agh!" Danny yelped, tumbling off of the bed in a tangle of covers. "Fright Knight!? What are you doing here?!"

"The Far Frozen wish to speak with you, My Liege," Fright Knight responded.

"Now?" Danny groaned, rubbing his eyes. "It's six in the morning on a weekend. Besides, it's the first time I've actually gotten a full night's sleep with no 'interruptions.'"

"It's urgent, My Liege," Fright Knight explained.

Danny blew a deep breath. "Fine. Let's go."


Rin didn't exactly expect much to happen, but wandering into a swirling, green vortex was not it.

It wasn't his fault the thing literally popped up right in front of him!

Rin cursed all the bad luck and looked around.

The sky was a swirling green mass, but the rest was a frozen wasteland. Snow and ice covered the ground and the few icy mountains.

"What is this place?" Rin muttered.

"What are you doing here, human?" A booming voice asked threateningly.

Rin turned his head to see what looked to be a yeti with white fur, ice horns, an arm made of ice, and a blue cape that was slightly torn.

Rin had seen many scarier looking demons before, so this was child's play. "I'm not really sure. I was wandering, but a portal popped up in front of me and sent me tumbling here. Where am I?"

The yeti seemed to calm down a bit. "You are in the Ghost Zone. It seems that you've fallen prey to a natural portal. They are rare, but they happen. What is your name?"

"Rin. Yours?" Rin responded.

The yeti smiled slowly. "Frostbite. It's nice to meet you, young one."

"Likewise." Rin smiled.


When Danny landed, he was greeted by Frostbite.

"What's the matter? I was told it was urgent," Danny said.

"I suggest you keep your ghost form, Great One, for a human has stumbled into the Ghost Zone." Frostbite sighed.

"How?" Danny asked.

"A natural portal. They have not yet caused any trouble and seem to only wish to return back to the human world," Frostbite informed him.

Danny walked with Frosbite as they talked. "Have they said anything that hurt you? I know humans can be fearful of ghosts."

"Not at all," Frostbite said, "In fact, they have been kind and helpful so far while we were waiting for you. He was polite the first time he saw me."

"Really? That's unusual," Danny mused, "but not unwelcome. Did you get his name?"

"Rin," the yeti ghost replied shortly.

"Rin?!" Danny gasped. He could remember how Rin was hardly phased by Plasmius. If this boy hadn't been scared of Frostbite, then it was likely to be the Rin Danny knew.

"Yes." Frostbite nodded.

"You want me to take him home?" Danny figured.

"Precisely," Frostbite agreed.


When Danny entered the Far Frozen headquarters, he saw Rin standing beside Permafrost.

Demons and Ghosts, Hell's King and King of the DeadTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon