Cornering A Demon Leads To Suicide

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I'm so sorry! I got grounded, so I had no possession of my phone or any other electronic, so posting was impossible! Two chapters will be posted today to make up for yesterday! Thanks for understanding!

Rin tried his best to avoid the trio and Jazz for the simple fact that after the stunt he pulled with Tucker, they would know it was no mere accident.

He knew they would discover the truth behind their cuts sometime, they were smart enough.

He wondered what they would think and what they would do when he eventually crossed paths with them again. It was bound to happen, since it's impossible to avoid someone forever, and he had to go back to school sometime.

"Rin, are you alright?" Lizzy asked the fidgety boy.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Rin flashed a smile at the woman, but she could tell it was fake.

Lizzy frowned. "I won't push you for answers, Rin, but know that I'm here for you."

Lizzy left the room, and Rin gave a shaky breath, closing his eyes.

'I'm sorry, Lizzy. I just love you too much to hurt you.'


Rin ignored the stares he got as he walked through the halls on Monday.

He rushed to gather his things from his locker, and when he got a glimpse of Danny, Sam, or Tucker, he slammed his locker and ran.


"He can't avoid us forever," Sam said as she watched Rin's eyes flicker over to them, then run away.

"He knows we know." Tucker shrugged. "He doesn't know how we'll react, so avoiding us means avoiding the worst-possible outcome."

"We need to corner him somehow," Danny said, "We're going to have to talk to him sometime, and if trapping him is the only way, then so be it."

"Good enough for me." Sam agreed.

"I don't really have a choice, do I?" Tucker sighed.

"Not really," Danny said.


For the rest of the day, Rin sat as far away from the trio as he could and during lunch, he ate outside.

When the last bell rang, Rin's tense demeanor relaxed, and he rushed out the front doors, bouncing on his toes, glancing everywhere to make sure the trio wasn't following him.

When Lizzy's car pulled up, Rin practically flew into the backseat. "Drive, drive!"

Lizzy quickly drove away from the school and looked at his pale face. "Are you okay? You seem jumpy."

"I'm fine, just nervous." Rin flashed her a shaky smile.

"If you say so."


When Rin got to Eclipse, he leapt out of the car and sped towards the front doors, screaming, "I'll change in the bathroom!"

Lizzy sighed, but couldn't help the chuckle that escaped her lips.


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