Chapter 3: Good News Can Be Hard to Break If Not Given the Chance

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The week was up and me and Jonathan were on our way to Lizzie and Christopher's house to drop off Sophie and so I can tell them the good news. We decided to walk since it was a nice day outside. When we got there, Christopher pulled me off to the side.

"Alright sweetie, you got a new assignment. You and your sister leave for New York tomorrow. Go to the office after you leave to get the profile."

"Yes sir." I didn't have the courage to tell him about the pregnancy. I haven't even told Jonathan yet. Yesterday I had Doc confirm the pregnancy was real and that it was my husbands. I had to do that because my grandmother was a virgin when she had my father. I'm guessing that was her talent. I bet that she would have had another immaculate pregnancy if she hadn't gotten sick. She had ovarian cancer. Doc removed her ovaries and she survived but she never had anymore kids after that.

After me and Jonathan got home, I told him I had to run by the office to pickup some things. When I got back he had dinner ready. Fried chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy, and a salad. We sat down to eat when I came to the dining room. "So, um, I gotta go out of town again for another business trip. This one is for three months."

"Cool. Where are you and your sister going to this time?" He knew that the only time I went out of town, Gabby always came with me. He also knew that we worked for a family business but didn't know exactly what we did.

"Back to your hometown of Queen's boo. We're off to the Big Apple." He smiled but then frowned. "What's wrong?" I panicked a little.

"Its the anniversary of my mom's death. Can you make time to put flowers on her grave on Monday. I'll be there at the end of the week for a couple of days."

"Alright." We ate in silence after that. He did dishes while I packed a suitcase, duffel bag, and a carry on bag. I went to bed after I finished packing. I had an early Sunday flight.

I drove myself to the airport due to how early it is. I arrived five minutes before my sister who arrived two minutes before it was time to board. "What I don't understand is how you have basically no life at home and yet you always arrive at the airport almost at the last minute."

"It is a talent little sister and I do so have a life. I met a guy last night."

"You're little fantasy crush on The Rock and watching Game Plan is not the equivalent to meeting a guy, okay?" She spoke as we boarded onto the plane.

"No! For real though! I met some guy at the club last night! His name is Samuel Cameron. He's 40 years old. He works for the Smithsonian as a museum manager. He has clean credit and never has been married. He has recently won the lottery jackpot and put it all in his bank account due to the fact that he has no debt's. He is totally squeaky clean."

"Yeah. Maybe a little too clean." We laughed and settled in for the four hour flight. When we got to our hotel she asked me a question I was not ready for. Plus I was sipping on some airport tea.

"So, did you tell everyone yet?" I ended up choking on my tea."I'll take that as a no. You have got to come clean about this. It is very important."

"Yeah, I know. Come on. We need to pick up some bananas and some herbal tea." She sighed but complied. We went out grocery shopping since we had a kitchenette in our suite. At least we had tomorrow to get ourselves together. I had also bought some chrysanthemums. It was his mom's favorite flower or so he told me. As we dressed for the night, I told Gabby of my plans for tomorrow. "So I have to stop by his mom's grave tomorrow to put the flowers there. It's the anniversary of her death. I promised him I would."

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