Chapter Fourteen

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(Heather's POV)

"I love you too Skylar." I can't believe she said that. Once again, I looked into her eyes and saw happiness. True happiness.

"Will you be mine?" She asked. I didn't expect this. She really has feelings for me. I kissed her soft, perfect lips.

"Does that answer your question?" I asked. She nodded and kissed me again. We were finally together, and I loved it. I wouldn't want my life any other way. I had the girl of my dreams, and two new good friends. I pulled out my phone and texted Blaze and Craig.

Me: It's official. Instead of being Sky...and Heather... We're.. Sky And Heather <3

Craig: YAY!!! Soo Happy for you guys!

Blaze: Ballinnn! Glad your finalllyyy together(: I loved how they were so supportive. I hardly knew them and they were still already there, and I loved it. I kissed Sky once again.

"Holy shit." She suddenly blurted out.

"What?" She pointed to the clock and it was almost two in the morning. My eyes got wide.

"Maybe would should go to sleep. You wouldn't mind sharing my bed, right? Because I could sleep on the floor, or the couch if you want. I just want you to be comfortable and----" I cut her off with a kiss. I've never seen this side of her before. I'm not sure many people have. It was adorable!

"I don't mind sharing a bed. As long as you don't mind cuddling." She laid down and opened her arms for me to lay in. I did just that. I lied my head on her chest and she put one arm around my waist, and one on my side. I've never been this comfortable, or felt this fantastic. I slowly drifted off into sleep.


I woke up the next day, Saturday, around eleven thirty. I sat up, and freaked out a bit. Once I realized I was at Skylar's though, everything was fine. The only thing as though, there was no Sky in her room. Confused, I got up and wandered around the house, eventually making it to the kitchen. Of course, she was standing there, hair up, in her cute pajamas making breakfast.

"Good morning beautiful. Hope you like bacon." She was too sweet. How come she doesn't show this side more?

"I love bacon. What else is there?"

"Well, there's pancakes, and eggs, both over easy and scrambled, and hash-browns, and blueberry muffins." How the hell...?

"How did you manage to do all of this."

"I have my ways." She winked and went back to her bacon and such.

About ten minutes later, everything was done. We ate almost all of it, and I did the dishes. Of course, she argued about it, but hey, she cooked it all. The least I could do was a few dishes. Anyway, it was a simple day today. We watched romance movie, cuddled and kissed. It was pretty chill. I liked it. I liked how we could just do simple things and be so happy. I loved how I could tell she was happy. Her eyes were shiny  and showed she actually cared and loved me. I found it sort of weird how she was into girly girls though. And since she was, why did she date Analeise? She was never a girly girl. Yeah, before she got with Skylar she was a shy, nerdy, straight A prized student, but not girly. I don't think Skylar changed her though. She changed herself to try to be what Sky wanted, when in reality wasn't that. Then she cheated on her. So maybe it was for what the other girl wanted? People are so stupid.

"You're spacing out again." I snapped back to reality, and looked up at her.

"Just thinkning about you." I said with a flirty smile. She kissed me. I loved her kisses.

"Yeah, well you're on my mind all the time." She whispered. I loved this girl. We made-out a bit and next thing we know, the movie ended. We watched every movie we had in her room, except one. I don't know if I wanted to watch it though. It was 'Bride of Chucky.' I wasn't good with scary movies. She looked at me, waiting on what I wanted to do. I shook my head. I couldn't watch it. A doll coming to life and murdering people? No. I have a doll at home that I got from Ryan when I was two (for some odd reason) and I did not  even want to consider the possibility of it coming to life and killing me in my sleep or something. However, she understood and shrugged it off. We went back to her cabel, and watched cartoons on her bed.

"Let's take pictures." She said. I smiled. I pulled out my phone and we did a few diffrent poses. One of us kissing, hugging, etc. We were an adorable couple.

"Mind if I upload them to Facebook?" I asked.

"Do as you please. I need a new profile picture anyway." She smiled. I uploaded them from my phone, and tagged her in all of them. I looked over to tell her it was done, and she was passed out. So adorable! I took a picture and set it as my background, as odd as that sounds. I feel like a stalker for doing it, but it's too adorable. I smiled at my phone, cuddled up next to her and passed out.

---------One Month Later----------

I've been staying with Skylar every weekened. Her mom doesn't know we are together, just think's we're best friends. I found out a lot about her. She's a really sweet woman. Unless it's the mornings. One Saturday morning was really strange though. It was Saturday, October 26th, 11:13 in the morning. Skylar woke up, ran to the bathroom and threw up. I went in to hold her hair back. After she was done, I asked her if she was alright.

"Yeah. I feel alright now. Must of ate something bad last night." I nodded in agreement. Maybe it was just how much she ate. The girl ate enough food to feed a two and a half villages.  True story. Anyway, she walked back to her room, and we did what we usually do.

It's been going on for a couple days actually. This saturday was not the first morning she got sick. And she's been wanting watermellon. She hates watermellon. Is there a possibility that God no.

"Baby!" I yelled from her room. She came in. I looked her over, and she has gained a little bit of weight.

"Yes?" She asked.

"You know how you told me you experimented with a guy?" I asked her. This is going to be awkward as hell.


"How far did you go?" She hesitated a bit.

"All the way." She whispered. She seemed ashamed of herself.

"And did he wrap it?" Jesus, I could really word things better. Suddenly, after contemplating what I had just said, her head snapped up, and her eyes got wide.



"You don't think...?"

"Only one way to find out." And with that, we got into the car, and headed to the drug store.

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