Nightmares, Ravines, and Trolls Oh My (Part 2)

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I just want to say sorry for not updating sooner but I have been really really really busy and I wanted to make it good and not just give you a tiny bit. This is the last part of chapter 3 and I worked really hard on it and I think it's pretty good so I hope you like it too. Please vote, comment, and tell me what you think. It's making me sad that so many people who have read this story are silent readers and it makes me wonder if people are actually liking this story.

By the way this is unedited so sorry in advance for any mistakes.

I just want to let you guys know that I'm doing this writer's month thing so I probably won't have time to update but at the end of November I should have a whole bunch to upload. Sorry for the long author's note, but enjoy the story!

I prick up my ears as the sound of a river echoes around in the air as if coming from a great distance. I quickly run over the route in my mind and grin, a little over half way there's a ravine with a river running along the bottom.

Clicking my heels against the horse's sides I gallop faster until I see a break in the trees ahead. My horse charges through the break and I pull back on the reins to stop her from running us right off the cliff face.

"Whoa! Whoa!"

I look back to see Cameron desperately trying to stop his horse from charging full force into the ravine. With a sigh I reach out quickly and grab his reins, pulling his horse up short.

(Why couldn't he control his horse? Does he even know how to really ride? And why didn't he stop when he saw me stop? I know he was behind me so he must have been able see my horse's butt, so why couldn't he see when the butt stopped moving?!)

"In case you didn't notice, there's a ravine there and it wouldn't exactly be a good idea to run off the edge." "But I know that, I just didn't know that there was a ravine there."

He protested, trying to make himself seem smarter than he actually is.

I roll my eyes, "That's no excuse. You don't gallop a horse when you don't know what's ahead of you."

A shocked look crosses his face, "But you did!"

I sigh in exasperation at his completely obvious stupidity, "I knew there was a ravine."

I can hear him still protesting in vain but I'm not listening anymore as I dismount with a groan. I gather my saddle bags sadly because he's slow enough while riding horses; how slow will he be on foot?

"What are you doing."

I roll my eyes for what feels like the millionth time today alone, "I'm grabbing our supplies, I don't feel like leaving all our food behind."

"But why can't the horse carry them?" I sigh yet again.

(Since I met this boy I don't think there's been a day when I haven't sighed or rolled my eyes a hundred thousand million times.)

"The horses aren't coming with us anymore. And before you ask, that means we are walking not riding."

He looks offended for some reason but asks another question anyway, "Why aren't the horses coming with us?"

My shoulders drop as I have to explain things once again, "Do you see a bridge for the horses to cross?"


"Then grab your supplies."

I watch impatiently as he pulls together everything in a knapsack that he then puts on his back. Suddenly a puzzled look crosses his face and I groan, wondering what stupid question he's gonna ask next.

Scarlet SnowTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon