If You Change Your Mind You Know Where To Find Me

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*Laken's POV*

"Laken? Is everything okay?" Lucas asked.

I never answered him as my eyes were glued to the stage. Why the hell did I keep running into him everywhere?

His band was actually really good. He was actually incredible. I had never heard him sing except for nursery rhymes when we were little. I could listen to his voice all day. it was memorizing.

They finished their song and as the music faded away I noticed Ryan was the guitar player. The other two I didn't recognize.

Ryan stepped up to Brendon's microphone. "Thank you everyone, we're Panic! at the Disco. Go check us out online!" With that, they all walked off stage.

I tracks Brendon's every move as he walked off stage. He carefully placed his guitar in its case and closed it up. What happened next took me off guard. A girl ran up to him and threw her arms around his neck, pulling him in for a hug. Who was this? Whore number 8001?

They started to make their way towards the bar where Lucas and I were still standing. I quickly ducked behind Lucas.

"Laken," Lucas said calmly, "What are you doing?"

"SHHH!" I scolded him.

My plan failed however. Brendon happened to glance in my direction and he could see me behind Lucas.

"Laken? Is that you?" Brendon asked.

I awkwardly stood straight up and moved out from behind Lucas. "Oh! Brendon, hi!" I said forcing a smile. "Lucas here needed some help with his uh- shirt. Yeah, I had to help him tuck it back in. Gotta look your best, you know?" I was rambling and lying terribly.

"You two know each other?" Lucas asked.

"Uhhh yeah, we have a complicated history. Lucas, do you remember the day we met?"

"Yeah, you were on the street and you were- ohhhhhhh." Lucas said, putting two and two together.

We all stood there for a few seconds, no one daring to speak. Brendon's arm candy finally decided to break the silence.

"Well, aren't you two going to introduce us? she said.

Brendon cleared his throat awkwardly and nodded. "Kendall, this is Laken, Laken this is Kendall, my uh-"

"Soon-to-be-girlfriend," Kendall finished for him with a big grin. She wrapped her arm around Brendon's.

I awkwardly glanced away and then remembered that I had to introduce Lucas. "This is Lucas." I said, short and sweet.

There was a pause before Lucas spoke up. "Anything you want to add to that, Laken?"

I looked up with panic and saw everyone's waiting glances. "Lucas is my, uh, new boyfriend."

I looked over at Brendon and saw a hint of anger in his eyes, or at least I thought so. Maybe it was just the alcohol.

"So how do you two know each other?" Kendall asked.

"We were best friends when we were younger," Brendon said. "I moved away and it's been a while."

"You guys were bestfriends? And you're reunited again? That's so cool! We should all totally go on a double date." Kendall exclaimed.

Brendon and I both shot each other the weirdest look. A double date?

Before I could even try to get out of it, Lucas chimed in. "That's a great idea! Sounds like fun."

I jabbed him in the side with my elbow and he gave me a dirty look.

"Yeah, we can work on the details later but right now Lucas and I really have to go, sorry! See you later!" I said quickly and pulled Lucas by the arm out to the parking lot.

"What the hell are you doing?" I yelled at him.

"That's the guy who made you cry and who you won't talk about, right? Well then let me make him feel like a jerk over dinner in front of his girlfriend."

I thought about it. I think I would like to see Brendon feel bad for a little while. He didn't seem to have any regrets at all. "That's cold, Lucas, but I like the way you think." I said.

*Brendon's POV*

"We should all totally go on a double date." Kendall said.

A double date? With Laken and her boy toy? The dude wasn't even that attractive. I mean look at me, I'm the total package. What did she see in him? Or was it what didn't she see in me?

I completely blanked out as everyone started talking about the double date. All of a sudden I saw Laken walking away dragging Lucas with her.

"Brendon, baby," Kendall said, "Are you okay? You look like you just saw a ghost."

I stared at the door where Laken and Lucas left. "I'm uh- fine."

"What's the deal with you and that girl? Everything seemed really awkward. Did you guys date?" she asked.

I dropped my eyes to the floor and then back up to Kendall. "It's a really long story, but no, we never dated."

She grabbed my hand and gave it a tight squeeze. "Cmon she said, I know how to make you feel better." she said, pulling me to the parking lot and to our car.

For the first time that night, I didn't have the desire to do what I had done with a million other girls. Tonight it just felt wrong.

Sorry it's been so long everyone, I got some bad news and I was convinced the world was over oops. BUT IM BACK :D

I Won't Give Up Without A Fight // Brendon UrieWhere stories live. Discover now