Ever Since We Met...

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*Brendon's POV*

After Parker left, Ryan and I finished the pizza and had some guy time. I put the napkin on the counter because I decided that for now it was best to just let everything calm down. I grabbed a beer for Ryan and one for me and we played some Xbox.

One beer turned into another and then another and eventually we both lost count. The last thing I remember was trying to play Call Of Duty but I couldn't aim due to my impaired sight.

I woke up the next morning and looked around. There was pizza boxes, beer bottles, and garbage all over. What the heck did we do last night?

I looked over to see Ryan passed out on the couch with one leg and one arm hanging off. I grabbed a cold piece of pizza that was on the floor next to me and slapped him across the face with it to wake him up.

"Wha- DUDE WHAT THE FU-" Ryan yelled but instantly regretted. "Oh god, my head hurts," he said while clutching his head.

I laughed for a little while but then also realized I had a killer headache too. "Bro, why do we do this to ourselves." I asked.

"Good question." 

We sat in silence for a little while trying to tend to our headaches when I realized something. "Oh my god. SHIT RYAN." I yelled.

"BRO, stop yelling, what do you need?" he answered.


"No way, you didn't lose it already did you?"

I started to panic. "It was right here on the counter and now it's gone!" I started tossing around all the garbage trying to find it. "I don't even know where my phone is!"

Ryan slowly got up and walked over to come help. "Brendon, I can't help you find the napkin but I can call your cell." He started dialing my number.

Soon enough we heard my ringtone coming from under the couch. I walked over and picked up the phone.

"Thanks dude," I said and opened up the phone. It was on the phone app. Listed at the top of the list was an outgoing call to a number I didn't recognize. "Ryan, I called someone last night."


"I don't know! It's a random number! What if it was Laken? What did I say??"

Ryan just started to laugh hysterically.

"This isn't funny!" I said.

"Yeah you're right," he said between laughs, "It's freaking hilarious."

"This is so embarrassing. Do I call and see if it's her?" I asked.

After laughing a little bit longer, Ryan said, "Go for it. You already screwed it up once. How bad can it get?" He said and started to laugh again, even harder.

"YOU LITTLE SHIT," I yelled at him and smacked him with the nearest pillow. I was trying to hurt him but it only made him laugh harder. "Shut up I'm going to call the number."

Ryan shoved the pillow into his face to try and quiet his laughs as I dialed the number. What if it was actually Laken? What could I have said?

"Hello?" I heard from the other end of the line. It was a girls voice.

"Hi, um, I was sorta drunk last night and I called this number... I was wondering-" I said before being cut off.

"How did you get my number?" The girl said.

"Who is this?"

"It's Laken. God. Seriously Brendon? You come back to town, don't bother to tell me, and then the only way you talk to me is when you're drunk. I don't know how you got my number but you should lose it," and with that she hung up.

I Won't Give Up Without A Fight // Brendon UrieWhere stories live. Discover now