Rant 2(SmackDown)

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   Lol poor JoJo got interrupted trying to ring announce but that intro for Seth though was funny. Dean's  to funny for the whole match, I missed the Uso brothers. Man I really do hope Dean keeps the World Heavyweight Championship cause I believe that he deserves it. Sheamus story-line makes him see like he has major anger issues. Zack is really out of breath but i hope he steals that US title  from Rusev so Titus can steal that then Kalisto can have it and keep it. Aww people in the background when Nattie ambushed Becky people were like "Come one Becky you can do this" that was cool.

  I love Enzo and Cass ALLOT but I find The Club funny with their "Beat up JOHN CENA" I would get in a ring with Enzo but just by looking at him I would be diabetic( not to be mean). I liked kevin wearing Chris's scarf I think he looks good in it, he could put that button on it. I wanted Kalisto to win poop. Who else knew Brock was going to figh Randy Orton. OLE OLE OLE OLE OLE OLE OLE OLE OLE OLE.

 The match's were good but I wish they had a more longer show. 

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