Lemon(I'm Back!!) Mafia Au

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Mafia Au
Word Count : 1303
(I swear I'm going to delete this book, it is written so horrendously. I'm shocked. 👀🙃🤞🏼)

Nobody knows what will happen to them in the future, you could die or you could kill someone else but nobody expects to be kidnapped by psychotic maniac

Let's bring it back to the beginning. As most stories go ,I had gotten involved with the wrong crowd getting into drugs and alcohol leaving me a mess, someone I thought I would never become. As a child I had believed I would become a beautiful princess with a mansion filled with my favourite dresses but life slapped that fantasy out of me.

Life's funny actually it makes you believe that you are going to be Ok in the future, that you wouldn't have too do horrible things to live. Life wasn't as compassionate to me as it is to others.

I had lived on the streets for basically my whole having no father and a mother who cared more about sucking dicks than her own daughter. I had to learn at a young age to take care of myself , to love myself. It was tragic honestly I followed in my mother's footsteps 'coz how else was I supposed to make money ,nobody wants a street girl working at a fancy business. Anyways I offered myself to many men who were either unsatisfied with their marriage or just wanted attention they didn't get. I gained money and they gained sex.

But there was this one guy who was just intoxicating. He has this mysterious vibe about him, the way he held himself was just intriguing. It was like a string that couldn't be broken pulling me towards him. I knew he was dangerous I knew he was just going to bring more problems to my already messed up life but I was just so hooked.

I knew something was up with him,the way he would never allow me into his house or the way it felt like he was hiding something all the time. I blame myself for being curious as it lead me too destruction.

Levi's POV

I had her wrapped around my finger just as I planned. What a stupid girl she is too fall in love with a person like me. I kill, steal, rape to get what I want and I was planning to keep her in my clutches for life.

I was the leader too a gang known throughout the country. Having only about 7 members, 3 girls 4 men all whose name I intend to keep secret. We have committed insane crimes to get to the point where we are today.


I was invited to attend a fancy ball, obviously someone needed my attention as this ball was filled with bratty rich kids who looked down upon people like me yet they still sleep around without their parents acknowledge. Filthy ,dirty, disgusting are names they've called me but tonight they won't even recognize me as being a prostitute.

I was looking divine if I do say so myself. I was wearing a low cut midnight blue dress that reached a little above my knees. It had beautiful sparkles decorating the top and plain puffy bottom. My hair was curled up and pulled into a bun with strands framing my face, my makeup was simple not too hectic (as I did want to appear as if I belong). The shoes were elegant but fierce, a only silver necklace hanging between my breasts.
I infact didn't buy this ,my date a middle-aged business man brought it

All eyes were on me as I walked through the doors I could murmurs from jealous ladies and whistles from men but they weren't what I was here for. My main target was too have sex and leave.

The night progressed on until something totally unexpected happened. There were shouts coming from the entrance and gun shots that could be heard through out. I heard bodies dropping and heavy footsteps coming my way I of course wanted to run but there were so many people shoving me. I ended banging my head on the edge of the table. In my disoriented state I tried getting up but my body didn't allow, blood was gushing from the back of my head. I finally gave up closing my eyes too see what awaits me when I open them.

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