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Hey guys this is a lemon was that requested by my friend and if you think why am I doing this one before the other requests well I'm doing it because she was the first to request and it wasn't just because she's my friend ok let's start this thing ,oh yeah this Modern AU


Readers POV 

It was a normal day just lazing around in my pajamas watching Spongebob re-runs until I heard my phone , I groaned and answered "What" " "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed"" What do you want ( Best friends name)"" I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to go for lunch since you always say I don't do this I don't do that soo here's a treat" "Ugh fine , see you in 10 minutes" I  got up and changed into a plain plaid shirt and ripped jeans got and tried to make my  hair look decent. I got your phone , wallet ( just in case) and put on my shoes I  checked my watch and saw ( Best friends name ) would be here in 2 minutes I  quickly switched off the T.V and locked the door before going outside and waiting for her not long after she appeared in my drive way. I  hopped in her car and drove to some restaurant . We finally arrived as we were walking I had this wierd feeling that someone was watching me , I haven't told anyone this but I've been having this feeling for the past couple weeks and it's driving me nuts but I shrug it off so I don't look suspicious infront of (B/F/N) ( I can't write best friends name the whole time I'm sorry it's like 11 in the night and I'm tired) we sat down in a booth and ordered. While we were waiting I felt like someone was penetrating holes in my head, I turned around but just saw this really cute guy staring at me he smiled at me and I smiled back at him. Was that a really big mistake

Levi's POV

Today was the day I'll  finally get my revenge for all those years I was bullied and tortured , neglected and rejected . You better watch out Y/N (Your name).     
(Ohhhh plot twist reader was a bully back in highschool you didn't except that did you )

Readers POV

(B/F/N) and I were done eating. She couldn't drop me off because she had some business to attend to so I had to walk in the dark this is why I don't go out and to top it off it started raining, perfect just perfect. So here I am walking alone in the rain through a dark street still having that feeling I'm being watched and trying to find my way home. As I continue down the street I hear footsteps behind me I quicken my pace and he or she quickens their pace and I start to run but this person catches up to me and wraps their arms around me it felt muscular so I'm guessing it is a guy. I was about to scream when he put this cloth around my mouth I tried holding my breath but I couldn't anymore and let the darkness enfulge me.

Timeskip brought to you by my sexy body I'm kidding it's brought to you by Zoros abbs.

Readers POV

I woke up but I felt metal around my wrists and ankles and I felt naked wait Naked!?!?! I tried to get free until I heard a voice say " There's no point in struggling " I looked to my right and saw the same guy I saw at the restaurant but this time his was only in his boxers he got up and walked to me while I watched in horror. " Who are you " I asked " You don't remember me Y/N maybe this will jog your memory " He said something and memories came flooding in.

I was walking down the hall with my friends ditching class we were laughing loudly until we saw the new kid he just moved here from France he was nerd but he was kinda cute. My friends thought it was funny if we started teasing him. ( Reader only met B/F/N after highschool and that's when she realised that you must not be mean and so on just thought you might want to know) "Hey loser" One of my friends said. " H-hi" He said " I hear your from France" " Y-yes" " Hey Y/N don't french men kiss amazing" " Yeah I think so from what I've heard is you've haven't been kissed yet you wanna try" I said "N-no please don't" " Oh you think we gonna listen to you " I said. I started to lean while my other friends held him down. I was about to kiss him but then I stopped and said " You honestly think I would kiss you , I thought you were smarter than that" I laughed and walked away with my friends leaving a dumbfounded Levi

Timeskip later in your highschool life
I stopped hanging out with my old group they were just too bad . But in a result of  not hanging out with them they spread rumours about me saying that I slept with all the boys , I'm not bullied because they know not to mess with me but they do give me nasty looks even the teachers hate me. I was walking to my locker for my next class while I was walking I saw that Levi kid he was still a nerd. He had got bullied by my old group that's why I left and I think he hates me now because he thinks I was the one that told people to bully him when it wasn't me. He gave me this disgusted look and walked past me I might not be bullied but those looks killed me and the rumours are even worse but there's nothing I can do now ,I caused it.

Back to present time

He said "french man kiss amazing"  He laughed when I came out of my gaze "So do you remember me now well I'm here for my revenge" No sound could be heard from me  " What are you gonna do to me" "Oh you'll see" and with that he smashed his lips against mine . He travelled down to my neck trying to find my sweet spot. By this point I'm crying. I didn't want to moan it would just satisfy him. So I had to bite my tongue. He travelled down to my chest and started massaging them and licking. My tongue was bleeding so I just had to moan , he smirked in satisfaction.  When he got bored of my breasts he travelled lower "P-please stop" He ignored me, he stopped when he reached my v-j-j and he  licked me and continued until I cummed he moaned and added a finger it hurt soo I groaned " Oh I see Y/N is a virgin, this is even better" He took out his finger and took out his length .He was huge OMG  how is it going to fit. He didn't even think twice before slamming into me . It hurt badly and he kept going blood trickled down my thigh. I cummed not long after he cummed also. He pulled out. I felt horrible , he started speaking " I've finally had my revenge now I need to tell you something you can't leave this place you'll go through misery like how much I had in  highschool here are the rules: You can't talk back or else I'll give you a worse punishment than this  2) You have no contact with anyone and finally if you try to escape I will kill you. Do you understand" I didn't answer so he kicked me "I said do you understand" "Y-yes" "And you call me master from now on" "Yes master"

So that is the end was it long I don't know and do you like the song I put there it's called Bed of Lies- Nicki Minaj ft Skylar Grey and I'm sorry if you wanted reader to fall in love with Levi it just didn't feel right but hope you enjoyed - Love Kat

Levi x reader Lemon One Shots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora