1. ass-constricting torture device of biological warfare

Start from the beginning

Bucky woke up to the door closing, he must've fallen asleep! The sun was already setting and his stomach was grumpier than a grizzly bear.

"Buck." His head snapped toward Steve, at the door, who balanced two paper cups of freshly brewed coffee in one hand and two bottles of beer in the other. "I'm having my coffee with beer."

"What's the point," Bucky finally said, tousling his bed head. "We can't get drunk."

Steve laughed, almost bitterly. "I thought you went out to feed your phone apples."

"That was 10 hours ago." He plopped down next to Bucky, placing the coffee on the table and the beer.

Bucky grabbed the beer and flicked off the metal cap with his metal thumb. "To never getting drunk."

"I'll drink to that," Steve said chugging his flaming hot coffee.

"Shit," he hissed as his face turns red and Bucky laughed. Flailing his arms like they're on fire, Steve snatched the beer from Bucky's grasp and finished the whole bottle in milliseconds.

"Damn Rogers, if I didn't know any better I'd say you were going to get yourself drunk."

"Damn right I was," Steve said wiping his mouth.

Bucky raised an eyebrow. "Really, with my beer?"

Steve chucked another bottle at Bucky who sent the cap flying. "Show off."

"You're one to talk, Star Spangled Man with a Plan." Bucky mused and Steve winced, before glancing far into the distance. The week has just been the longest, running from the people who spring from all directions to hunt them down. "Steve, do you think we would've been married off back then?"

"I would've married Peggy," Steve answered. Bucky sighed, taking a gulp of his beer.


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Awful. How people consume something like this, he didn't understand. "Why don't we take dames dancing in the bar tonight?"

"The beer is horrid," Steve said. Funny how he could so easily read minds.

"So is the music."


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There is a moment of silence, when the two look at each other wondering what they were going to do with their 70 years outdated life

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There is a moment of silence, when the two look at each other wondering what they were going to do with their 70 years outdated life

There is a moment of silence, when the two look at each other wondering what they were going to do with their 70 years outdated life

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The moment passed like a subway train.

"I'm driving," Bucky exclaimed no longer drowsy from sleep, hurrying out the door and grabbing the car keys behind the cacti plant Steve insisted so much on keeping. 

"That's my car you're talking about!"

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"That's my car you're talking about!"

(word count: 1035)

a/n: So, first chapter. What'd you think? Hope you liked it ahah. My friend said it was too deep but... I don't know? Tell me what you think on the comment section, critiques are welcomed with open arms. Thanks for reading and uh, keep reading! Oh and don't forget to vote or add to your library. Cheers, x.

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