Chapter Five The Fight

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Thea ~~
When we get back to the house I ask Maya. "You totally like that boy don't you!"

"No I don't." She answers angrily.

"Yeah you do." I put the house keys on the wooden counter top.

"SHUT UP!" She snaps.

"Fine. Whatever." I say and walk off feeling a little hurt. She's never screamed 'shut up' in my face. Sisters don't do that!

I go and look through the house. Our parents aren't awake and Joshie is playing Xbox. "Joshie!" I yell. "You weren't worried one bit about Maya and I!"

"Not really." He answers.

"Thanks Joshie. Thanks for that." I say sarcastically.

Joshie dodges to the right, "Your welcome." Urg...that kid makes me mad sometimes.

I got to my room and Maya is in there. I sit on my bed. She tries to talk to me, but I ignore her. She deserves it. You don't tell you sister, your twin sister to shut up!

"Hello?!?!" Maya screams. "I'm talking to you Thea!"

I ignore her. She tosses her mirror as me and it misses, shattering it on our floor. "Look what you've done! You could've hurt me and now mom and dad are going to be mad! And it's all your fault!" I yell at her.

"Why are you even mad at me?!?!?" Maya screams.

"You should know!" I yell.

"Well, I don't!" She screams.

Then I walk out of the room and make myself a sandwich for lunch. After I eat it I pull blankets and pillows out of my room and make a bed on the couch. I'm not sleeping near her. She could've killed me! Glass hurts people, Maya! I thought you were smart enough to know that.

Maya ~~
I watch as Thea sets a bed up for herself on the couch. How could she ditch me like this? What happened to sticking together? Apparently Thea is just such a jerk that she can't stand seeing me when she gets up in the morning.

I want to go out and make myself a sandwich, but Thea is out there. I don't even want to look at her I'm so angry. My stomach growls. Looks like hunger is winning this battle.

When I walk out to make myself a sandwich Thea glares at me. I stare at her. "You have mustard all over your shirt. " I say. Then I laugh. "It looks super dumb!"

"I'm sorry I didn't order a glass of you opinion!" She shoots back.

I pour a glass of lemonade. Then I walk over to her. "You're right. You ordered this..." I pour the lemonade all over her. It soaks her blankets and pillows and definitely stained her white shirt permanently.

"I HATE YOU!" She screams. "This is it. I've had enough of you. You've always been such a good sister up until the last little while. You been such a JERK! I don't even care if you move to China! Just stay away from me. "

"Well you've never been a good sister!" I yell even though that is totally not true.

"If that's what you think, fine." She gets up looking murderous. "I'm not your sister anymore."

"You can do that!" I yell feeling hurt.

She starts walking away. "Just did." She's probably going to go take a shower, but it still hurts that she walked away.

Then I look at the counter and see a note. It says:

Dear Maya and Thea,
Your father and I had to leave early for an unscheduled meeting in Texas this morning. I'm sorry about the unexpected business trip. We will be gone for a couple days. I apologize that we had to leave. Please take care of Joshie while we're gone. Enjoy your afternoon!

No wonder their door was closed! They weren't even there. We thought they were still asleep. I know that Thea will be in the shower so I bang on the door to our bathroom. "Thea open up!" I say nastily.

"I'm getting ready. What could you possibly want from me?!?!?" She yells.

I open the door. Getting ready means putting her makeup on. Sure enough she was putting her makeup on for the second time today. I hand her the note. "Mom and dad went to work." I say and then leave.

I walk back into the living room and our home phone starts to ring. I answer it. "Hello?"

"Can you please put Maya on the line?" The voice on the other line asks.

"This is her." I answer.

"Oh Sweetie! This is your Aunt Tiffany!" Aunt Tiffany says. Aunt Tiffany live far away from us. Like really far. She lives in China.

"Why are you calling Aunt Tiffany?" I wonder.

"I was wondering if you would like to spend to Summer with me in China. You would leave after your parents get back. I was also wondering if your sister Thea would like to come. Would you ask her for me?" She says sweetly.

"Alright." I say and put her on hold. I leave it for couple seconds and put Aunt Tiffany back on the line. "She said no. I'm sorry she wants to stay with her friends this summer." I lie.

"Oh I was hoping to get my two wonderful neices this summer. I'll ask your mother if you can come stay for the summer." She says.

"Just ask for me. Thea is staying home."

"I will ask if you can come yes."

"I mean don't tell her about Thea not wanting to come. She's embarrassed because she doesn't want to come. Just please don't talk about it. She's also a little nervous about being away from home." I say.

"Oh I had no idea! I promise I won't mention it!" She sounds understanding and sad.

"She says thanks." I lie again.

"Goodbye Maya!" Tiffany says.

"Bye Aunt Tiffany!" I say happily.

I put the phone down and smile. Looks like I have a summer free of Thea!

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