Chapter Four New Neighbors

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Thea ~~
When I get up Maya is already up and ready. I ask her when she woke up she says 7 a.m. She been up for two hours!

"You could've just woken me up." I say as I pull on jeans and a t-shirt.

"Nah," Replies Maya. "you looked too peaceful." She laughs.

"Haha. Very funny Maya."

"You're right it is very funny!"

Our parents won't be up for a while and they already talked about us baking something for the neighbors. So we figured it would be OK to go. I mean it's not like we're hitchhiking or anything. We're just walking across the street to a couple houses.

Twenty minutes later we have the cookies in the oven. We bake chocolate chip, because who doesn't love chocolate chip cookies!?!? Maya is quiet most of the time so conversation doesn't really happen.

"What's wrong Maya?" I ask softly.

"Just a bad dream." She says and smiles sadly.

I hug my twin and she hugs me back. She seems to be fine now. We package all the cookies into three different containers and then we leave to give them to our new neighbors.

Maya knocks on the first door and a boy our age answers the door. He has green eyes and brown hair. Maya blushes. "Welcome to our neighborhood!" I say smiling brightly. Maya seems to have frozen up. I elbow her and she hands him a tupperware of cookies.

"Thanks!" He accepts the cookies. "I'm Nathan and you are...?" He hints.

"I'm Thea and this is my sister Maya." I say introducing us.

"Yeah I can tell. " He laughs. "Twins?"

Maya finds her voice and blushes. "Yep." We say in unison and then laugh.

"Well, hope you enjoy the neighborhood, Nathan." I say. We turn to leave.

"Wait." He says. I turn and so does Maya. "Are you going to Fisherman High?"

"Yeah." I wink at him. "We'll show you around."

"Thanks." He says and closes the door. Maya blushes some more.

She totally likes him. I'll talk to her about that later.

Maya ~~
We walk to the house across the street. Isn't it crazy that we have three new neighbors?! It's cool, but crazy!

Thea presses the doorbell this time and a mad looking gurl our age step out. She has hazel eyes and brown hair. I look closer and realize that she has a feather in her hair. Bold choice.

"You. Woke. Me. Up." She says angrily. What the heck? She's not even in pajamas.

"We apologize." I say. "We just wanted to welcome you to our neighborhood." This girl!

"I don't need welcoming." She shouts.

Thea hands her the second tupperware of cookies. "Welcome to our neighborhood!" She says forcing the smile. I know that face; it's my face as well. She's mad. Her smile is now forced as is mine.

"Thanks." The girl says sarcastically. "I'm allergic to chocolate chips!" Then she slams the door in our faces.

"Dang!" Thea says as we walk to the next house. "That girl was rude."

"Ya think?" I say in a funny voice.

We both burst out laughing.

Thea ~~
At the last house Maya knocked the door. We wait for ten minutes. Maya rings the doorbell. We hear talking so she knocks again.

A girl with dark blonde hair, definitely not our platinum blonde, and green eyes answers the door. She looks our age. "Who are you?" She questions.

"I'm Thea."

"I'm Maya. We're you neighbors from over there." Maya points to our house.

The girl looks confused.

I look at her and say, "Welcome to our neighborhood!" Maya hands her the cookies.

"Thanks...?" The girl says and then closes the door in our faces.

"Well...that was interesting..." Maya says. We laugh.

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