Chapter Two Never Seperate

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Maya ~~
When Thea asked if we would always stick together I agree with her. We've always stuck together in everything. Why wouldn't we stick together?

Suddenly the door is knocked on. It's our mom. She pops in answering smiles. "Girls! It's dinnertime c'mon!"

A climb down the ladder and Thea gets up. "What's cooking?" I ask bumping Thea with my elbow. Thea bumps me back. I bump her again. She bumps me again. "Ow!" I screech laughing. She giggles. Has anyone ever known me better?

"What are you girls doing over there?" My mom laughs and turns to look at us. We're both laughing our heads off and she just smiles slyly. "Chicken." She says answering my last question.

When we get to the kitchen Joshie is still playing Xbox. "Earth to Joshie!" Dad shouts. He's not being mean, but it's hard to get Joshie's attention these days.

"Hrm..." Joshie murmurs. I'm sure he didn't even hear dad.

"It's dinnertime!" Dad yells.

"Wha...?" Joshie asks.

"It. Is. Dinner. Time." Dad says slowly.

"Huh?!?!?" Joshie squeal eyes still glued to the Xbox. My dad turns the TV off. "DAD!!!" Joshie yells.

My dad looks at him. "Get to the table. It's dinnertime!" His face is now red. I agree with him. He should be irritated. Joshie can be really irritating when he doesn't pay any attention to anything but the TV.

Joshie groans and climbs to his spot at the wooden table. The chairs are pretty high up and Joshie can barely get up to the top. He's not the biggest kid and he's only seven. He starts shoving food into his mouth. Thea looks at me and rolls her blue eyes. Joshie is trying to speed eat to get back to his Xbox! I giggle.

Twin telepathy is what it's like. We're both thinking the same thing and I can tell. She looks at Joshie and it's my turn to roll my eyes.

Joshie whines. "Mom! Dad! They're doing that twin telepathy thing again."

"Joshua that doesn't exist." Mom says.

"Gwen," Dad argues. "let him believe what he wants."

"Anthony! Stop it. It's not real." Gosh, they fight over the stupidest thing these days. I think the only reason they stay married is because of us. They would probably split us up and they know we've never been away from eachother for more than two hours. How could they separate us for years at a time?

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