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A/n - Zach is zach Herron


"Weston you need to stfu. You know that Zach and I don't have a thing... Oh my gosh just shut up already... You sound like you want me to cheat. Maybe I will.... I don't care if your coming to the party. Bye."

I threw my phone down on the grass beneath my feet. It was probably almost midnight and I was having a great time till Weston had to call to 'make sure I wasn't doing anything wrong'. He been so protective since we announced we are dating to his supporters. I hate it.

"Em? You ok?" Zach asked from behind me. I turned around and planting my
Lips right on his.

Zach pulled away almost instantly.

"Emily wha-"

"Me and Weston aren't together anymore."

Zach pulled me in by the waist and kissed me again. It turned into a make out session until someone yanked Zach backwards.

It was hard to see cause the only light was from the moon but you could make out Weston  standing behind Zach being held back by two kids who looked like Ian and Willie.

"Weston wtf." I asked very annoyed and pissed off at the moment.

"Seriously?! You ask me what the fuck while you are standing there cheating on me?! Are you kidding me Emily? And you ask me wtf?!" Weston screams louder than I have ever heard him yell before.

"Emily what the hell? You told me you guys broke up?!" Zach says turning to face me.

"Y-you w-what?" Weston asked with a much softer voice now letting his other emotions take over.

"Wes lets go, come on. Let's get you out of here." One of the boys say pushing Weston through the door back into the house.

"I can't believe you Emily." Zach says following the boys.

I picked up my phone and realization hit me when I stood back up. I just cheated, On one of the people I care about the most, With my best guy friend. What have I done...


Dani POV:

I woke up to my phone going off beside me. I rolled over to see Ian calling me at 12:36. In the morning.

(D= Dani, I =Ian)

D - It's almost 1 am what in the          name of sponge bob do you want?" I said as soon and I answered my phone.

I - We need to you come pick up Weston.

D - who's we?

I - Willie and I.

D- why do I need to pick up Weston?

I - uhh hang on

Through the phone you could hear Ian telling Willie to stay with Weston while Ian says he is going somewhere.

I - ok I'm back

D - why does Weston need to have someone with him? What's going on Ian?

I sat up in bed. Ian sighed before continuing on.

I - Emily cheated on Weston. In front of him... And uh... He's not taking it well.

D - What?! Oh god, I'll be right there. Text me the address.

I hung up and quickly got out of bed trying not to wake up Blake who was sleeping next to me.

I walked over to the dresser and put on a sweat shirt. I grabbed the keys to the car and walked down stairs. I got my permit a couple days after my birthday, so did Hunter so We can both drive within a 5 mile radius of my house without an adult. (A/n  u can't rly do this NY but let's pretend u can ok?)

When I got to the house that the party was at I saw Weston, Ian and Willie sitting on the curb. Weston had his elbows resting on his knees and his head was in his hands. When he looked up you could see his eyes were all red and puffy with tear streaks down his face. Ian and Willie were sitting on either side of him trying to comfort him.

When Weston saw me pull up and get out of the car he stood up and went over and sat in the passenger side. I Walk over to the other boys so I could talk to them.

"I've never seen him so bad." Ian says walking towards me as well.  I signed and ran my hands through my hair.

"Dude he never, never shows emotion in front of me. Like never. Only like 5 times. So if that was his no emotion good luck when he's just with you." Willie tells me. (A/n guys I'm just making this stuff up idk if it's true or not so bare with me)

"Not a good time for jokes bro." Ian pushes his shoulder.

I looked back at the car to see Weston leaning his head against the window staring ahead of him.

"I should probably get going." I said starting to walk back towards the car.

"Ok can you text us how he is later?" Willie asks being 100% serious now.  I nodded my head in response.

I got into the car after I said goodbye. I looked over at Weston. He face showed no emotion. That's worst then when people do show emotion sometimes. I reached over the central consul and resting my hand on his shoulder squeezing it lightly.  I felt him relax but just a little.

By the time we got home it was 1:10 am. I pulled into the driveway and turned off the car.

"Come on." I said softly Nodded my head to the house to signal weston to get out. He slowly unbuckled and got out of the car. I waiting for him to come around the other side of the car before I started headed inside.

When we got inside Weston turned around to face me and instantly broke down in tears.  I quickly went up to him and rapped my arms around him. His shoulders shook with sobs.

"Shhhhh, hey It's ok, it's gonna get better."  I rubbed his back attempting to calm him down.

"Guys?" Brandon said from the top of his stairs. He was rubbing his eyes so he must of just woken up. When he saw Weston crying in my arms he gave me a confused yet worried look. 

"We're ok, go back to bed" I mouthed. He looked once more at Weston then nodded and headed back to his room.

"Hey lets get you to bed mhk?" I pulled back from the hug. Weston nodded and wiped the tears from his face. We walked upstairs to the guest bedroom.

Weston took of his shoes and sweatshirt and got into bed. I walked over and sat next to where he was laying. "It's gonna get better. I promise ok?" Weston nodded.

"Night Weston." I shut off the light and closed his door. After I got myself ready once again and climbed into bed for the second time tonight. I kept replaying what happened tonight in my head. Em is one of my best friends but Weston is like a another younger brother to me.

So the next time I see Emily, she's gonna get it.


1213 words🔥

Don't forget to Comment a word for next chapter😜

It was so hard for me to write this chapter cause the girl I based Emily off of would never do this and Ik for a fact that 14 yr old Zach Herron would never do that either 😂

anyway...  If this was real, which it ISN'T but it would be all over messy monday🐸☕️ DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA

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