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I was woken up yelling kids, blaring music, and a phone going off. Ugh, not today. I can already tell todays not going to be a good day for loud, annoying when noises.

i rolled over and checked my phone. 98% of the notifications that were on my lock screen were hate, hate, then more hate. I can't believe this is just because i said clean up the messy kitchen so we all dont get grounded, and that I know social media stars. It's ridiculous.

I turn my phone off and get out of bed. I'm still in blake's sweatshirt and my sweats so I don't change. I walk down stairs to see my brothers, blake and Jax all dancing while Mario and Weston record it. #meston for life and I right people?

I walk over to the tv which was playing super loud music and unplug it. (A/n I think this is for every tv but when I unplug mine it loosing single and everything so😂) Everyone turns to me.

"Why did u do that" Hunter asked annoyed.

I just walk away. I'm still too tired to use any unnecessary energy. Also know as fighting with my brother over something stupid.

"Is she ok?" I heard someone mutter.

I felt someone walk up behind me. It was Brando.

"You ok sis?"

I grab his arm and lead him to his room. Once we are inside I close the door and sit on his bed.

"How do you deal with it?" I asked looking down.

"With what?"

"Uhh.. Hate" It sounded more like a questions the a statement.

Brandon's face got a very serious look at it.

"Why? Are you getting hate?"

"No" i looked down.

"Dani if your getting hate you need to tell Hunter or mom or someone"

"Brando don't! Please" I said my voice cracking.

"Why not?! Do you want to get yourself hurt?" He raised his voice. I looked up at him with pleading eyes. He softened his voice.

"I just don't want my older sister getting hurt. And I know for a fact that Hunter and Blake don't want you to get hurt either. I have to tell them."

"I'm 15 B, I can look after myself."

Brandon got up and left the room going down stairs to everyone. I followed him down.

"You guys all good?" Weston asked when we walked into the living room. We both nod our heads. I know none of them believed us though.

After about 30 minutes of doing random stuff we all
Decide to broadcast. Well they do. I sit on the couch pretending I'm not there.

They guested Emily and Zach Herron. Weston came and sat closer to me which means he isn't in the video screen anymore. I think he moved over when everyone started commenting 'zamily' which is their ship name.

About 20 minutes later Emily and Zach had to go. People started commenting stuff like 'they probably are kissing or doing other stuff😉'. U could tell that those comments were bothering Weston.

"Guys can u all please stop commented stuff about Em and Zach. They aren't doing anything so stop making a big deal out of it."

More comments started coming in.
'How do u know.'
'They are dating aren't they?'
'They are bestfriend goals.'
'99% chance they are kissing'

"Ok guys everyone honesty please stop. Trust me I know that they aren't kissing."

How do u know?
What do u like stalk her?
Wait don't u guys have a thing? ;)
Someone's jealous!!!

"I know that because me and Em are dating!" Weston says.

Short chapter. Only 605 words😁 sorry I've been super busy lately so I haven't been updating as normally as I want to. But next week I have spring vacation so I will be updating a lot !

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