"I know you took care of me and Baekhyun for years when our parents died and I am very thankful for that but, Kris you treat me and Baekhyun in our home like we are in a jail or something! There's always rules! You're always the one who decide for us! But what about the things we want? Like how you force Baekhyun to take an architect college course even though he wanted to be a singer! Kris, I have a lot of dreams in my life. Luhan is a part of them and I'll never let you forever decide what I want and what to do in my life", Kris slapped Harriette on her face. Both of them didn't notice that someone was watching them from a distance and worried about Harriette when he saw that she was slapped by Kris.

"You don't have the right to raise your voice to me Harriette, I'm your older brother! I bought this school uniform for you! I enrolled you to this school! All these stuffs came all from my money! All from my hardwork! I just want you and Baekhyun to have a normal good life! I don't want you and him to experience all the hardworks that I did before just to be here in my place today! Like it or not, Harriette you're going home and I'm going to bring you in Canada!", Kris angrily pulled Harriette to his car when someone grabbed his arm.

"Let go of her, Sir Kris you're hurting my best friend", Kris looked back when he saw Chanyeol, Harriette's best friend so Kris slowly let go of Harriette.

"If you are my brother and if you love me, you wouldn't hurt me but you just did. I hate you and I wish you were not my brother", Harriette walked away with her teary eyes and Chanyeol followed her. Kris was surprised of what Harriette just said to him. Afterwards, Chanyeol decided to not attend school for Harriette. The two was staying in a fast food restaurant while Chanyeol was helping Harriette to put a band aid on Harriette's small bruise on her face when Kris slapped her a while ago.

"Thank you", - Harriette

"I'm your best friend remember? I will be always here for you and sorry about what happened days ago that I--", Harriette interrupted him.

"No, it's okay. It's really fine if you don't believe me about my marriage", - Harriette

"So your brother Kris is the reason why you don't attend classes anymore?", - Chanyeol 

"When I told him about my marriage, he was so angry about it so he stopped paying my tuition fee, giving me allowances and he kicked me out of our home", - Harriette

"Then what about your studies now? We're graduating high school soon, you can't leave", - Chanyeol

"I don't know, I really don't know, Chanyeol", Chanyeol noticed Harriette felt sad again so he tried his best to cheer her up.

"So how's married life? Does your husband looks like Daniel Radcliffe? Does he look like me? Handsome?", both of them laughed.

"He look more handsome than Daniel Radcliffe okay? And I'm 100% sure he is more handsome than you", Harriette jokingly said and they just laughed. Afterwards, Luhan pick up Harriette from her school. Harriette ride at the back of Luhan's motorbike while Luhan was helping Harriette to put her helmet when Luhan noticed the band aid on Harriette's right cheek.

"What happened to you?", Luhan who was worried asked.

"Nothing. We had P.E class a while ago and we were jogging around but then I fell on the ground", - Harriette

"Next time be careful okay?", Luhan said and Harriette felt a little bad since she's lying to Luhan for how many weeks already. Meanwhile at Kris'office, he was just blankly staring thinking what Harriette told him that she hates him as her brother. He also regret that he hurt Harriette a while ago when his secretary enter his office to give him coffee.

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