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When you left me holding that guy's hand; I saw through my tear-blurred vision, your sad eyes.

I saw so much sorrow, so much pain, so much guilt, overflowing heartbreakingly in those eyes.

But I decided to ignore it and only think about my pains.

What a selfish brat.

I was thinking those selfish, childish thoughts while you were giving everything up for me. Even your life.

I should have known what that guy was trying to do. You would never fall in love with a man like that.

It didn't take me long to realize that he was threatening you with my life.

So I looked for you.

Remember the couple app we downloaded in our phones?

I didn't know it would help like this.

I was surprised to find you in a old wooden house in the middle of the nowhere.

I did go there without a plan, but when I saw you fighting with that guy, honestly I was scared.

I'm sorry for being such a wimp. I hate myself for it.

When he forcefully demanded your love, I was about to grab you and run out of the house, now being certain of his acts.

But you didn't give me the chance. You turned around and looked at me.

You knew I was here.

You looked at me with those heartbreaking eyes full of sorrow, and made a bittersweet smile. The dim lights of this old shack reflected off your face.

You looked at me while you poured oil all over yourself.

July. »Jeon Jungkook«Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang