She looks at the stones then to Nash, then back at me. She stands up 'kisses' my cheek then crawls to Nash and does the same.

Nash smiles and picks her up.

"I love you." Nash says to her and kisses her.

"Her name is Isabella Grace Elizabeth, after mom." I smile. After saying her name Izzy crawls over to me again.

"Dada." She mutters then puts her hands on my face again. My eyes widen when I realize what she just said.

"Oh my god, did you just hear that?" I smile and look at Nash.

He was smiling at me and laughing.

I pick her up and kiss her all over her face. "Yes, I'm dada." I laugh and hugs her. She pushes away form me with the 'what the hell dad' look on her face. She does it way too much to me.

"I love you so much." I tell her and hugs her again.

"I'll let you talk to them. I'll go after you." Nash says standing up.

I nod and look at him walking away.

"You were right, Dad." I laugh. "Elena and I aren't just head over heels for each other. We're in love, we have a daughter. We never leave each other's side when we need the other. You were right, I did end up with her." When I was little my dad would always tease me about Elena. I had a crush on her all the way throughout elementary school. He always said we'll end up together, and he was right.

"Mom, I know you're disappointed about me getting Elena pregnant when she was 14. But I also know that you would of loved Isabella more than anything. You always said that you couldn't wait until the day you see me and Nash with our kids. You always told Nash to never get a girl pregnant before marriage, but little did you know that I would of. I love you mom, I love you both." I look between the two graves. Izzy watches me as I talk. "I wish you were here to watch her grow up. I should let Nash talk now. I'll be back soon. Don't worry." I stand up and walk back to the car.

Nash pats my back as I put Isabella in her car seat.

After waiting for him to get done we finally go back home.


"Alright present time!" Kim cheers and her and Elena gets the presents out from under the tree.

"We should let Izzy go first since its her first Christmas." Elena smiles and picks up Isabella.

She sets her next to her presents. Elena sits next to her and hands her one. Of course, Isabella being Isabella, puts it in her mouth. "No no Isabella." Elena laughs and takes it away from her. I take out my phone and press record.

Elena tears one little section for her then after that Isabella starts to tear. Of course she didn't really get what was going on but it was fun to watch her get so excited tearing paper and her putting everything in her mouth.

Elena gets up and leaves Izzy to play with her stuff then sits next to me.

Isabella looks at us with a sad face. She pouts and stands up.


Me and Elena look at each other then back to our daughter.

She balances herself before stumbling to us.

"Oh my god!" Elena squeals. I laugh as she falls to the ground with a smile.

Kim picks her back up and holds her hand for a second before Isabella lets go and walks to the leg press.

"There you go baby!" Kim smiles and claps her hands. Isabella smiles at her then looks to us clapping.

Elena laughs and says "Come to momma." Isabella looks at her for a second then walk to us.

I smile and pick her up spinning her around.

"That's my little girl." I smile and kiss her cheek.

Nash laugh and gets up along with Elena. Nash takes her from my and jumps her a little making her laugh hilariously.

"Okay okay, enough fun lets get back to opening presents." Elena sighs and takes her.

We sits back down and get all the gifts sorted between us.

"Dada!" Isabella screams looking at me with her arms out.

Else as eyes widen in shock. "Did she just?"

"Yeah, she did it earlier today too." I laugh and get Izzy.

Elena pouts as her eyes hey glassy. "She's growing up too fast." I pull her into a hug and laugh.

"We still have 17 years, calm down." I laugh more.

"Shut up Hayes." She says and pulls away.

"Alright missy, you better stop growing so face." I tell her.

She laughs at me and claps her hands again.

She really is growing up too fast.

Baby Grier *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now