Second Day Back. (Season 5/6 based, my own version).

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It had been a rough year last year for her. She struggled with a lot of body issues and self confidence. She couldn't be the scared little girl she used to be. On her first day back she had to re audition for the Glee Club. Rigel still didn't think her voice was special but she made it in. Even though they still kept Mr.Shue's policy about letting anyone join if they wanted to. ... Rigel had gotten to school early that morning. She had an okay summer, but it wasn't that well for her. She had a few "accidents" and blackouts. Only Santana knew about them. Santana had been there for Rigel and helping her overcome her problems. Rigel wanted to work on a new arrangement she had wrote the night before and it was one of her favorite songs. Rigel walked into the choir room and it just felt like home to her. She felt safe. "Brad, could you play this?". She asked and showed him her arrangement. He nodded. It was a softer version of the song and it slowed down so she could hear her voice through the walls of the Choir Room. "My head is haunting me and my heart feels like a ghost
I need to feel something, cause I'm still so far from home
Cross your heart and hope to die
Promise me you'll never leave my side

Show me what I can't see when the spark in my eyes is gone
You got me on my knees, I'm your one man cult
Cross my heart and hope to die
Promise you I'll never leave your side". Rigel had softly began to sang and just focused on closing her eyes and wishing away the world. She felt calm like nothing else mattered. She raised her tempo a little. "Cause I'm telling you, you're all I need
I promise you you're all I see
Cause I'm telling you, you're all I need
I'll never leave". And then her big note on the "Hell" came up and she nailed it. She wanted to have solos more, but she had to get over her performance anxiety. "So you can drag me through Hell
If it meant I could hold your hand
I will follow you cause I'm under your spell
And you can throw me to the flames
I will follow you, I will follow you". Her voice had caught the attention of Rachel when she walked in. She had down and listened to Rigel. Rigel had opened her eyes by then and just was in awe of how much Rachel liked her voice. "You really should sing more". She smiled. "Thank you". Rigel said and managed to form actual words from her mouth. She had worked with Santana over the summer on getting over her shyness. "Rachel?". She asked softly. "Yes?". Rachel asked. "I would really love a solo, but I know there's more deserving people and. I'm so shy and hate talking in front of people it scares me I have really bad anxiety and stage fright and I'll throw up". Rigel added. She couldn't believe she just managed to tell Rachel Berry she wanted a solo. "I'm going to stop you right there". Rachel replied. "Your voice is amazing and it deserves to be heard. I want to work with you one-on-one after school". She smiled. ", really Rachel?". Rigel asked. "N.. No ones ever wanted to work with me". She added. "And it's Rigel". Rigel said to Rachel. "Rigel". Rachel smiled. "Yeah, I've noticed that you were in the background for over a year, it's time for you to get a chance to enjoy the spotlight". Rachel smiled. "So after school, meet me in here". Rigel nodded and went to her first class. ... (I know she doesn't have silver hair or anything but her voice is what I imagined Rigel would sound like. Oh and the girl in the video. Her name is Lumina, she's amazing. Please check her out guys ❤️).

Rigel Ariana Lovelace (Rigel) "Glee OC" (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now