Private Solo Practice

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She had been wanting to work on a new solo by herself for a while. She got Brad to play the piano for her and she just closed her eyes and started to sing. (Soft melody plays in the background, Smoke, Drink, Break-Up by Mila J.

"See, I gotta be outta my head
To deal with ya
And I gotta be outta my head
To be still with ya

See, I love you but I don't like that
I leave, but then I come right back to you
So what is the point?
I might as well sit here and roll me a joint

Or pour me a drink,
So I can wasted and don't have to think
No more. Get High as a plane
Cause sober we drive each other insane

And we know if we don't
We just start fighting again
So either we smoke,
Or we drink
Or we break up
Either we smoke
Or we drink
Or we break up
Cause Only time we don't fight
Is if we drunk or we high (oh my)
Either we smoke or we drink or we break up
(Either we smoking or drinking or we at each other's throat)
(Let's go)

I gotta be outta my head
To deal with ya
And I gotta be outta my head
To be still with you

See, I love you but I don't like that
Keep leaving, and coming right back to you
So I roll me swisha, pour me some liquor before we start to bicker". She hit a few small high notes and then lowered her voice as the song ended. "Cause Only time we don't fight
Is if we drunk or we high (oh my)". "Wow". She said after she finished. "I did that". She took a breather and opened her eyes. People were there in the room. "Oh my god... long have you been here?". . "Since the middle of the song". A girl named Mercedes said. "Girl, you're amazing. You've got a pipe. And an amazing voice. You should totally audition for a solo". "T..thanks". Rigel replied and went out of the room and cried. "Wait". Mercedes said but it was too late. Everyone always heard her sing. Well she didn't know what to do so she stayed in the bathroom and cried until class was over. She just stayed in there the rest of the day and skipped her other classes. She couldn't even go eat lunch because she was so upset. Rigel was a really shy person and she'd never opened up to anyone. She made herself throw up to take the nerves off of her.

After school was over she came out of the stall and washed her mouth out and fixed her makeup a little. She couldn't let anyone see her tears or let them know she made herself throw up. She was used to it, she's made herself do it for years to lose weight or when she was nervous. 

Rigel Ariana Lovelace (Rigel) "Glee OC" (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now