Celebrations And Confrontations

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Donny smiled as he set out the food with his mother and sister, admiring the view of the park around him. Tons of families anxiously waiting for the fireworks scheduled for that night.

Sentience Day was by no means a small holiday. The celebration of the day that historians recorded as the start of sentient thought in mammals came every year with school plays and mayoral speeches and city-wide celebration, including parades and fireworks.

Nick was busy playing a game of football with Jesse. Hailey and Judy were both setting up the massive dinner picnic out, given the Wilde family was expecting both Nick and Judy's mothers, along with Chief Bogo and his daughter Amelia, not to mention Clawhauser and a snow leopard named Alistair he'd started seeing.

Donny had only just finished laying out the blueberry pie and other desserts his mother and grandmothers had made when he was effectively tackled from behind.

"Donny!" came two cries as Donny fell to the ground, looking up at his attackers.

   A red squirrel with bright blue eyes smiled over him, smirking slightly. Beside her, standing over both of them, was a brunet bunny holding a small blond bunny kit. Both looked down with bright hazel eyes.

"Lily, Sean, what're you guys doing here?" Donny sighed, smirking at his friends. "Didn't you say you were busy with your families?"

   Lily smiled, lightly punching Donny on the arm. "We couldn't spend Sentience Day without seeing you just once."

   Sean nodded, cooing at the baby in his arms. "I could stand to be away from my family for a bit. And Auggie insisted on seeing his Uncle Donny on our way to see my cousins. Right Auggie?"

   "Unca Don!" The bunny kit squealed, attempting to escape Sean's grasp. "Unca Don!"

   "You adopt a baby at age 15 and of course you make your best friend his uncle. We're not even related. Don't you have 480 siblings to have as uncles and aunts?" Donny asked, smiling as he got up and ruffled Auggie's ears.

   "You try teaching a baby that 255 boys are 'Uncle' and 223 girls are 'Auntie'. He stopped trying after my mom gave birth to Fred and George." Sean defended. "Besides, he really cares for you more than any of them."

   Donny raised his hands in surrender, sighing as he looked at his family. "So, you guys joining in on our picnic than? Because we already have quite a few people as it is."

   Lily shook her head. "Sean's been insisting his cousins have some awesome plan or stunt ready. He's dragging me to see whatever it is and he wants you to come along too."

   Sean frowned. "Way to ruin the surprise, Lil. But yeah, that's about it. Hunter and Hayden say it's gonna be awesome! Y'know how the fireworks always stink for the park? Well, they've got a ton of fireworks to set off right after the stupid show, really really awesome ones from out of the country. Can't remember where they came from for the life of me but they're gonna be fantastic!" He finished in a burst of enthusiasm, only for Lily to frown at him.

"Do your cousins have a permit? Or a license? Or anything permitting them to set off those fireworks?"

"They're fireworks, Lil! Everyone sets them off!" Sean sighed, brushing off the squirrel's obvious concern.

"But are they legal fireworks? Do your cousins know what they're doing? How can you be sure one of them won't blow their face off?" Lily persisted, her frown turning into a scowl when Sean didn't meet her eyes.

   "What if they get caught, hmm? What if they kill themselves or someone else in some freak accident? Did heh even think this through? How can you condone that sort of behavior, what if in a few years, Auggie picked up on their influence?"

Zootopia DrabblesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora