History Repeating

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"Here you go, dear. All the library's records on genealogies and family histories. If you need anything, just call. And tell me if you find anything interesting."

"Thanks Mrs. Bronenosets."
Donny smiled, waving off the old armadillo before rubbing his hands together. "Okay Donny, family history project. Let's get to looking."

Donny held up the notebook of all the amassed information he'd gotten from his family. Despite the fact of his adoption, he'd been undeterred at the chance to learn more about his family history. He'd taken a particular interest in his mother's side of the family, the more rural relations having more of a history behind them, thus a better chance of finding anything. Not to mention his father Nick had been clueless to his own family history, only knowing as far back to his great-grandfather who shared the name.

Flipping through his notes, he carded through the notes before finding a distant surname for his mother's family.

"Houblon." He muttered under his breath, opening a main filing cabinet and sorting through the H's until he found a small file. Opening it, he skimmed the information. "The Houblon family, immigrants from Furance to the Southern Burrows in 1840. Wealthy farmers who began a carrot plantation in the county of Bounden. Their patriarch, Francis Pierre Houblon, was a well respected member of the community and a proud supporter of the enslavement of predators."

Donny stopped, staring at the words again and again. He'd been taught about the darker points of Zootopia's past. The enslavement of predators by prey was a definite point of interest. But he'd never imagined his own family had been involved in the rampant prejudice of the time. Let alone supportive of it.

Taking a breath, Donny reminded himself that the times were different and the past was past and there was no way of changing it. It didn't stop the sour taste in his mouth but it pacified his shock for a moment, but only a moment as he turned the page and let out an audible gasp.

A pair of amethyst eyes stared back at his emerald ones. Eyes that looked strikingly familiar. A bunny, a girl maybe a year or two older than him. Eighteen at the most. Her gray fur was immaculate and her smile almost had a mesmerizing effect. The lavender dress she wore was made the fashion of a true Southern Belle with what looked like silk. Below it was a caption. Colette Evangeline Houblon, the youngest daughter of Francis Houblon, born c. 1836.

There was no denying it, Colette was a practical carbon copy of Donny's mother Judy. Or much rather, Judy was a carbon copy of Colette. Donny's eyes returned to the facts on the girl.

"No exact date of birth documented, historians researching the Houblon clan argue Colette was born between May and June of 1836. Unfortunately, much of her personal history is unknown. According to legal documents preserved from the year 1890, Francis Houblon disowned his daughter from his last will and testament, and the family crypt bears no grave of the young woman." Donny read aloud, frowning as he reached the end of the page.

He turned to the next page, only to find birth and death certificates for the entire Houblon clan, none of which included Colette. He put down the file, thinking for a second before noticing a stray slip of paper in the open file cabinet, right next to where the Houblon file had been.

Picking it up, Donny stared at the delicate handwriting and the yellowed paper. It looked like it was taken care of despite its age. His eyes widened at the name and date at the top.

   "Colette Evangeline Dikiy, August 18th in the year of Our Lord 1853." Donny read aloud, his brow furrowing at the change in name. Realization hit him that it was most likely her name after marriage. His eyes scanned the paper and he continued.

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