Hello Guys!

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   Little message, I'm asking for any requests for a shout out. Meaning, give me a description of an animal and basic info, I may integrate them into my story. They might be a background character, they might be a integral part, depending on my opinion on what I could do with them. You can make a fursona of yourself or just an OC to make a quick appearance.


   "Donny looked over his shoulder, noticing the riotous laughter from a few tables over, where a grey wolf sat over everyone, cracking one joke after another"
   Simple background appearance.

   "Hailey smiled as she helped pick up the books the person had dropped, taking them in all the while. A short, modestly dressed brown otter who's green eyes looked down at her shoes. 'Thanks for helping me, I'm Lizzie.' "
   New character introduction.

   Again, I make no promises of them being a main character or simply a background character. But if any of you want to make contributions, you all know how I like to include you in my writing process. Thank you for your comments and likes and generally being my awesome followers and have a super fantastic awesome splendid amazing day!

Disclaimer: I may edit your idea slightly to make it fit to the story, or if I'm getting tons of requests of one species. I'm sorry in advance if this bothers you.

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