Requests Are Open

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   Hey guys, sorry for the lack of updates. Finals have been killing me, but don't worry! As of next Thursday at 12:22, I will be all yours for a whole summer.

   My inspiration meter's been low when it comes to this book and I know how much you all love it so I'm opening it up to you, yes you, my readers, to suggest any drabbles, characters or simple prompts you'd like to see unfold for the Wilde family.

Special Requests (From me to you if any of you have ideas for these:
Love interests for Donny or Hailey.

Events you'd like to see our beloved family go through.

Any prompts you may have. (I've said it before and I will reiterate for sake of posterity: No smut, please and thank you. I use language and touch on adult subject matter, but I will not write smut given I have younger readers and do not want to expose them to such indecency over the Internet. I simply won't write any sort of smut. Maybe one day I'll break this personal rule but not today.)

   Thank you all for any and all ideas you may have. They may be shifted or changed should I receive inspiration otherwise, or they could be used as they are. But I appreciate any contributions that you, my readers, could make to my writing process. In the end, it is all meant for you and I love to include you in my work. Keep being awesome and submit your ideas and suggestions in the comments.

   Thank you and I hope you all have a super fantastic awesome splendid amazing day.

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