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   "N-Nick..." Judy gasped, her hands dropping the romance novel she'd been reading.

   "Shh... Carrots, you gotta keep quiet. Otherwise things will end quicker than I'd like them to." Nick whispered, continuing in his ministrations. "And relax, they know to knock. Even after all those times they kept barging into the bathroom."

   "But the kids could wake up any minute and if Donny needs another feeding-"

   "Just relax, Judy, let me take care of you." Nick offered, smirking as his bunny began to fall apart.

   "You really are good with your hands." Judy offered, sighing as the stress from the last week seeped out of her bones.

   "Mommy, I'm thirsty. Can I have a glass of water?" came a quivering voice.

   Both Judy and Nick turned their attention to the door that stood open, Hailey standing in their pajamas, both looking extremely tired.

   Judy smiled, climbing out of the bed and picking up her daughter, even at the cost of losing her weekly massage from Nick. She had to admit the fox knew what he was doing, apparently he'd learned on the streets from a former girlfriend of Finnick's. Either way, she appreciated his talent and took advantage when she could.

   Cup of water on her nightstand, tucked in again, Hailey was out like a light, allowing her mother to return to her own bedroom, double checking that she locked the door.

   "Remind me to get the next one." Nick offered as Judy joined him again.

   "You can pay me back." Judy offered.

   "Okay." Nick chuckled, raising his paws, only for Judy to push them back down.

   "I was thinking a different way." She drawled. "After all, the kids won't interrupt, I locked the door."

   Nick gaped for a moment before smiling. "Have I ever told you how much I love you?"

   "Every day." Judy smiled, blushing slightly. "Now, where were we?"

   I really got you all, didn't I? Sorry if I disappointed some of you, I just thought of this and I had to write it. Hope you enjoyed! Have a super fantastic awesome splendid amazing day!

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