The best I ever had.

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Jensen and Misha hadn't known each other but had watched shows and movies that the other had been in and started developing a pretty big crush on one another, and then they found out that they were going to be on a show together, they were both super excited.. Jensen walked onto the set of "Supernatural" and saw him, he immediately ran up to him telling him that he loved his work and that his children were adorable and looked just like him.. Misha told Jensen the same.. It had been about ten years since the first episode Of "Supernatural" had aired and Jensen had fallen in love with Misha and thought that it's about time that he told him.. After all Castiel was in love with Dean.. Jensen walked up to Misha and told him that he was in love with him.. Misha was shocked to hear him say that and didn't say anything back he just stood there with a blank expression.. Jensen started to panic tears forming in his eyes as his heart shattered. Misha quietly said that he loved Jensen to, about a year later things started going down hill, they diagnosed Misha with stage four cancer, and Jensen kept telling him that everything would be okay, that he would pull through it and that he loved him more than anything. They finally cleared up the cancer and Jensen was on his way to the hospital, he was so excited to finally see Misha back up on his feet! Right when he was about to pull into the parking lot a drunk driver hit him head on... Misha was heart broken.. He went to Jensen's bed side and told him the same things that he had once told him... He said I love you Jensen, you're a fighter and you will pull through this... He got down on one knee and ask Jensen to marry him, tears running down both of the boys faces, and Jensen said yes, and Misha leaned down and kissed him ever so softly, and whispered that he loved him once again.. About that time he Heard Jensen's heart monitor go off and looked up to see that he had no pulse And he hit his knees, screaming and crying, the doctors rushed in and made Misha leave, he automatically called Jared and the producers and told them what had happened.. He was still screaming and crying. Jared got there as fast as he could tears streaming down his face, Jensen was and always had been just like a brother to him.. Misha went home later that night and put on Jensen's favorite shirt, and tucked the kids in, the littlest one (( Claire )) ask when daddy would be home. Misha broke down into tears again and was forced to tell her that daddy wouldn't be home but promised that she would see him again..
They quit airing "supernatural" and Misha would visit Jensen's grave every day, then kids grew up and moved out of the house and every once in a while Misha would swear that he could still hear Jensen laughing and Telling him that he loved him, it would've been their 40th anniversary and Misha went to put flowers on Jensen's grave, and he was laying there in the grass with his head on Jensen's headstone and whispered that he loved him and took his final breath..

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