(3) Friend Requests & Flirts

Start from the beginning

            But his demeanor and quick wit made me want to throw all my inhibitions out the window and against my better judgment, I found myself opening up to the possibility—but only slightly.


            “Better quit that, or people will think we are together!” Austyn pushes me playfully away from her.

            “What? You don’t find this attractive?” I joke lightheartedly back.

            Her copper eyes widen as her lips curl unwillingly into a tight smile. “You’re disgusting, you know that?” She turns her head away from me, her black Bob slightly dancing with the turn.

             A week ago I had an itch to get out of the city and do something spontaneous so I called up my cousin Austyn and was ecstatic when she agreed to come. We had been tight as thieves since we were kids. She is the same age as me, our birthdays are only days apart—she is more like my best friend; my sister. We tell each other everything and have always been there for one another…she had been best friends with Jordan too.

            Austyn was in college so I knew it would be nice to get her out of school and do something unexpected for her—so I paid for the entire trip for the both of us. We are both ready to party and explore our new home for the next week. Our destination? The Bahamas. We had packed and hidden quite well a few flasks of alcohol and we knew by the time we were in the Bahamas, it would be legal for us to consume alcohol.

            “Don’t look now, but I think someone has the hots for you,” I whisper into Austyn’s ear.

            Her eyes light up with fascination. “Where?”

            “Don’t make it obvious or anything,” I joke, laughing lightly.

            She elbows me in the chest, smiling.

            I back up, hands in the air, surrendering. “I’m just being a good wing man.”

            “Seriously.” Her eyes shoot around the room, nervously. “Which one was it?”

            I grin to myself. I love messing with her. I can basically see the sweat beads forming at the tip of her forehead. I try to stifle my laugh, but am unsuccessful.

            “You’re an ass—you know that right?” She turns away from me angrily and begins walking towards the inside cabins.

            I grab her arm quickly, stopping her mid-step. “He’s going to be too intimidated with me standing here with you. I’m going to go back to the room, and why don’t you invite him back—we can drink and get to know him in a laid back atmosphere.”

            She looks me in the eyes then, her copper eyes bearing into my soul. “Which one?”

            I love that she is always up for a challenge. “Skater boy,” I reply before turning away and making my way back towards our room.

            It doesn’t take her long. I didn’t think it would. Austyn is undoubtedly gorgeous. Guys fall over her all the time. The funny thing is, she never realizes it. She has this odd self-confidence issue. I’m not sure where it stems from or why she is still so affected by it…but it is the reason she is still single today. It is the reason she is always getting hurt. The guys she dated in the past walked all over her like she was nothing but a dirty rug. I think it tore her down. I wish she saw what I saw when she walked in a room. She is like a magnet—all eyes lock on her. She has no idea that she is a star.

            Skater boy is surprisingly really cool. We have a lot in common and he brought a housewarming gift. Austyn is sweet; she gets flustered when illegal activities are occurring. Yet, you can tell she wants to partake always. He lights up the joint, takes a puff and then passes it to me. I can see Austyn’s face reddening by the minute; I notice the awkward jerking movement of her leg. “What’s your name man?” I ask, attempting to pull his attention off of her.

            “Avery,” he responds, running his hand through his shaggy long hair.

            I finish my hit and then motion for Austyn to come take one. Her eyes are shifting between me and the joint nervously. I nod my head lightly; it always seems to calm her down. She scoots closer to me and takes the rolled piece from my hands, like she is an expert. Sucking in the smoke, holding it, and then letting it out in one long breath. She doesn’t even cough, which makes me give her a mental high five with my eyebrows. I can see a smile forming at the sides of her lips and I nudge her lightly with my elbow.

            “I’m Lee, and you’ve already met Austyn.” I point to her and hand him back his gift.

            “Excuse me,” Austyn gets up quickly, heading to the bathroom. I watch her walk away and then revert my attention back to Avery.

            “So—are you two, like, together?” He finally asks. I have to stop myself from laughing; Austyn had been right for once.

            “She’s my cousin dude,” I smile, shaking my head.

            Avery looks relieved. I notice his chest fall like he had breathed out a sigh he had been holding in.

            “Does she have a boyfriend?” Avery asks, passing me the joint.

            I wave my hands in front of my body as if to say I’m good. “Do you think I would let her be here with you, if she did?”

            “Oh, I guess not…” He laughs awkwardly, before putting the joint out.

Beautifully Broken (The Infinite Love Series, Book Three) -Published; Sample Only.Where stories live. Discover now