Chapter 39

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             We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.



         I'm here sitting at this small cafe waiting on Joseph. What if he doesn't show up. Like he thinks it some kind of joke and he doesn't want to come anymore. Oh well Taylor has a few other guys in mind too. You know, Just in case.

Taylor slept over last night. We watched some girl movies and ate some ice cream. It was nice. I really did miss her. She's always there for me and im so thankful for her.

I heard the door open to the cafe and i look up and i see a familiar guy wearing sunglasses. blue jeans and a black V-shirt He looks over and i wave and he smiles and walks over to the table "Hey Sammy" he says as he sits across from me

"Hey Joseph"i smile at him "How are you?"i ask him as he gets comfortable into the seat

"I'm good. How are you"He asks me and i shake my head from left to right

"Iv'e been better"i shrugged "What have you been up to?"he shrugs

"Um Christmas and filling up applications for colleges. What about you miss im gonna leave the pack house with out saying goodbye."and i shrugged

"Just business and jobs. But college? i didn't know you were looking into college are you planning what you want to go into?"i ask he nods his head yes

"Business. As geeky as this sounds i really want to be a lawyer"i nod at him. I see a waiter walk over here pulling out a pen and a pad

"Hi sweeties. What can i get for you guys"she asks

"I will have the regular cappuccino and blueberry muffin"i tell her and she writes it down

"I will have the same"He says as he doesn't make eye contact. She nods and writes that down

"I'll be right back in a minutes"she nods at us and walks away

"Do you know her?"i ask and he shakes his head no

She's like 30

"I just dont like ordering"i nod at him in understanding. "So are you thinking about going to college"i think to myself for a little bit and shake my head no

"Its never really appealed to me but i would if i really wanted to. For like science or training something along those fields."

"Yeah i can see you going to college for training. I think it would be something you would enjoy a lot"he tells me and i shake my head in agreement

The waitress comes back out with our muffins and cappuccinos "Hi guys here you go. I hope you enjoy" she says as she gives us our cappuccino and muffin

"So what did you need?"He asked me as he took a sip of his cappuccino

Yeeaaahhhhhh that

"Well um you can say no"I warn him and he raises an eyebrows "well I guess I should start with the back story. You do know that Tommy isn't really my mate right?"I ask and his eyes widen

"He isn't? What do you mean you Guys lied to everyone?"he ask and I shook my head no

"Um I didn't lie to everyone he lied to me. Well I will tell you that story another time I wanna move on"I quickly say

Does anyone know though?

"Well I met my real mate he is the soon to be Alpha of the bloodmoons. Well he got offended by something I said and I didn't mean it the way he thought I meant it and he never let me explain either. So he told me to stop talking to him"I explain

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