Chapter 4

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      "One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be under stood"
-Lucius Annaeus Seneca


Chapter 4

It's Wednesday and I'm sitting in my history class today is a day that I don't have any classes with Taylor I have 3 with Jake including this one but none with Taylor

Jake thinks that if he continues to annoy me I would just get use to him . So he annoys me all the time

Like constantly

"What's the answer to number 4 " he asks me and I look down at me paper

"There is not an exact answer. You just state your opinion of hitler" I sighed

"Okay then what is my opinion to hitler" he rolled his eyes

"You like Hitler and you look up to him you think his ways of getting power was perfect and totally fair"I smiled at him

"Thank you" he smiled while writing down what I said for him to write down

Your welcome

"Hey" I looked to my left to see a random kid call out to me

"Hi" and then I looked back to my paper

"Can I get your number"he asked

"Do you even know my name" I rolled my eyes

"Sammy rendez" he smirked "everyone knows your name" he laughed

People usually don't do this kind of thing with me they are all scared of me

"Why not" I shrugged

I mean I usually don't do this i need a chnge things up

I wrote down my number on a piece of paper and handed it to him

"Wow are you serious" he gasped "Ima text you" he put my number into his phone


Do you know my name?

I chuckled



"It's Jeffery but people usually just call me Jeff"he laughed

"Alright Jeff" I assured and made him a contact while turning back to my paper

"Did you just give Jeffery your number"Jake gasped

"Yeah why" I asked

"What about Tommy" he asked "aren't you guys going on a dates and stuff " he pouted

"So doesn't mean anything" I laugh"and they aren't dates"

"Well it does to Tommy" He stared behind me and I looked behind me and i see a angry Tommy staring down at his paper

"When did he get in this class" I laughed

he probably heard everything with his hearing

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