Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Lacey's POV

I griped the edge of my seat as I glanced around the spacious room, I was sat on the left hand side, in one of the many rows of pews, to my right sat my social worker Lydia Grint and to my left was my younger sister Talia. I suddenly felt butterflies flying around inside my stomach, they started the moment the judge signed the papers. The reason I was here was due to my childhood; I had recently lost my parents so now myself and Tal were going into care. And by care I mean a children's home, somewhere parents sent their children when they were no longer wanted.

"Don't worry sweetheart, you'll be with an amazing family" Lydia whispered to me after seeing the nervous look on my face.

After the court had finished with the paperwork we were lead into a long hallway with numerous doors lining the walls.

"Hello girls, I'm Noah it's great to meet you" said a deep, manly voice that made me look up, he was tall about 6' and he had a layer of stubble over his chin, I noticed the warm, welcoming look in his eyes, a look I definitely wasn't used to seeing.

"This is Noah Marrin, he owns the care home that you two will be staying at" Lydia explained.

"Hello, I'm Talia" My sister squealed, tugging on his sleeve.

"It's very nice to meet you Talia, and I guess you must be Lacey?" He asked smiling at myself.

"Yeah, hi" I mumbled, offering a small smile.

"Shall we get going?" I nodded, throwing the strap of my bag onto my shoulder. He picked up the rest of our luggage and headed out the main doors.

After loading his car we started the journey. Talia was chatting about a dream she had the night before while I zoned out, So many thoughts running though my mind. We drove into a small village that I didn't recognise.

After a long drive of thinking, the car pulled to a stop, I climbed out taking my bag with me, I looked up and pulled my fringe aside, the house that I was looking at was large, like a mansion to me, there was many windows and the double french door looked very inviting.

"Girls, welcome to Rosewood house"

I shakily follow Noah inside pulling my belongings in behind me. The hallway was painted a dark shade of red and the contrast between the wooden flooring and mahogany doors went really well.

I heard the sounds of a door closing somewhere within the house before being greeted with a sweet motherly voice "hello lovelies, I'm Zara, Noah's wife, it's great to finally meet you two"

I smiled taking in her scent, she smelled strongly of fresh strawberries and honey. Noah went straight into a room that looked like an office, leaving me and Talia with Zara.

"The other children are still at school, they should be arriving home in a couple hours, I'll show you two to your rooms" she picked up some of Talia's things and headed for the stairs as we followed behind.

After getting to the top of the stairs Zara went straight to a door across the hallway, the door had butterfly and fairy stickers all over it. When she opened the door my eyes landed on all the toys scattered all over the floor. There was a bunk bed in one corner and a small single bed in the over.

"Talia this is your room, you'll be shearing with two other girls Faith and Darcy"

After making sure Talia was settled and happy we moved on just myself and Zara. We came to a stop at another door not far from the last. "And this is your room" I opened the door and walked in, my eyes immediately landing on the small piano in front of the window. I placed my bags on the empty bed and took a seat, taking in my new surroundings.

"Elsie's a great girl, your going to get along great!" Zara clapped her hands together excitedly, "I'll leave you to get settled, if you need me I'll be just downstairs"

I nodded "Thank you" I softly said realising I hadn't yet said anything. She smiled and stepped out of the room closing the door behind her.

I eyed the room one last time and this time my eyes landed on some posters on the other side of the room, just above the other girls bed. Posters of The Script, Jason Mraz, Justin Timberlake and Jack Johnson covered the walls. This girl has a great taste in music, maybe we would get along.

I decided to unpack a couple of things. I slowly slid the zip across on my small suitcase and started rummaging though my belongings, I barely had anything, just a couple items of clothes, some old worn out shoes and a photo frame. I took the frame in my hands and stared at the familiar faces within the picture. It was the only picture I had left, the picture that meant the world to me. It was taken 5 years ago when I was 11, it was a year before my mum died. We were at a family picnic in the local park, my dad was pushing me on the swings while my mum was helping Talia to walk, she had only just learnt. What happened to the family in this picture? We all look so happy. I miss those days.

I was taken out of my thoughts by a small body cuddling up to mine. "I miss them" her voice was quiet as she ran her fingers over the photo in the frame.

I gently place a kiss on the top of her head "Me to Tally, I miss them to


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