7. The Nerd Crew Defender

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"I've nevef had mine," he whispered crawling under the table.

"Come out silly it's not a big deal," Doyoung was serious and Jae crawled back on his chair.

"She's here," Taeil jumped up, when a group of girls entered the cafe and the little bell rang again.

Lauren turned around then giggled, she waved to the boys' table and the girls hurried to the counter.

"Which one is it?" asked Taeyong.

"The one, who waved," whispered Doyoung.

"Yellow skirt, dark hair?" Taeyong  turned his head slightly.

"Yes," Taeil had hearts in his eyes.

"Are you sure she's single?" Taeyong's face became darker.

"What?" Taeil went as white as the wall behind him.

"Do you know something we don't?" asked Doyoung.

"No, it's just..." Taeyong stopped, because the bell sounded again and they saw Hansol and Johnny, the two tall guys, who always teased them, followed by Ten and Yuta.

"Oh no!" Doyoung sighed.

"Taeyong, how are you? Is it interesting to spend the afternoon with the losers?" Ten came to them and stopped right above Doyoung.

"Why do you hate them so much?" asked Taeyong and Jae felt he's somehow sick.

"What?" Ten laughed.

"Is there a particular reason?" Taeyong was serious.

"This one is the awkwardest awkward," Ten pointed at Taeil. "This one looks like a bunny and has a squint, and the one in the corner can't pronounce the letter 'r'. Are you sure you're at the right table?" Ten giggled.

"I have too big ears, a atopy scar next to my right eye and I can't sing for life, so I guess I'm at the right table," Taeyong laughed.

But in this moment Taeil gave out a squeaking sound and everyone glanced towards the counter, where Yuta stopped next to the girls and laid his hands on Lauren's hips, while she leaned in for a kiss.

"Are they dating, Yuta and Lauren?" asked a pale Doyoung.

"Since January so no chance rabbit," Ten smiled.

"I forgot something," Taeil jumped up and ran towards the door.

Doyoung glanced at Jae and there was fear in his eyes. The redhead grabbed his backpack and hurried behind Taeil out of the cafe.

"I told you, super awkward," whispered Ten. "So, if there's only one loser left we can join you," Ten took the place Doyoung was sitting on moments ago.

Taeyong looked towards Jae, who felt like crying again.

Soon the girls and boys joined them and Lauren's blonde friend Rita happened to sit next to Jae. The boy moved his chair as far from her as possible. Hansol and Johnny were flirting with the girls, while Ten was joking loud, and Lauren was kissing Yuta every five seconds.

Taeyong was quiet, he tried to stay away from this strange conversation and atmosphere.

"We can go to the river later, Jaef can join the fun," Ten winked to his friends.

"I guess we'll go home," Taeyong was in a bad mood.

"No, we can go," Jae was shocked by his own loud voice.

"Great! Jaef joins us," Ten clapped on the table.

"The song today was amazing," Yuta laughed in a mean way and Jae tensed.

"Yestefday, yestefday," Hansol and Johnny made a little choir.

But Jae pretended he didn't hear.

Soon everyone finished their drinks and the group got up leaving outside. Jae kept close to Taeyong, when they walked down the street towards the bus stop.

'How is he?' Jae sent a text to Doyoung hoping Taeil hasn't jumped into the river from the nearest bridge.

"So Jaef how's life, say something funny," Ten came closer and laid his hand over Jae's shoulders, but the boy kept quiet. "I think Taeyong treats you like a little charity case," whispered Ten leaning closer to his ear. "A funny mascot."

Jae felt he's ready to scream and bite, but he kept quiet, while they crossed the street and caught the bus downtown.

Jae felt he's ready to scream and bite, but he kept quiet, while they crossed the street and caught the bus downtown

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Thank you so much :) <3 All the feedback this story gets is so amazing. Over 100 stars yay!

I guess I'm not able to thank you enough for all the support you give me, but here's the way I can thank you, the bonus chapter :)

I was sick this week but finally I managed to prepare the chapter for you, so here it is. Let me know what do you think? What do you think will happen during the trip to the river?

much love <3

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