6. Trust no one

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Chapter 6: Trust No One

"From the moment that I saw her, I knew this one was worth a broken heart." — Atticus

" — Atticus

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Leon's pov

'I know everything about you. I know your closest friends, your family. I know your weakness and I'm currently dealing with her. Lara Jiménez is with me and if you don't find her in 24 hours, consider her dead. And..never think of ruining my plans ever again.'

I felt the anger inside of me and I think Violetta felt that too because she put a hand on my chest and pushed me down with all her strength.

"I will find Lara. I'll even take the consequences myself but stay out of this and never think of coming near me again. Understood?" Her voice was steady but I knew better than that. Her hand was trembling in fear.

"I'm not yours to order Violetta." I chuckled harshly and moved her hand away from me so that I could stand upright. "Lara's one of the few people that matter to me. She helped me through many things that I know you're well aware of."

Violetta turned her gaze from me but I grabbed her chin and made her face me again. I could see the regret in her eyes, it was so visible that I fighted against the urge to actually forgive her.
Violetta never let her guard down but I shook that thought away.

She was a good actor, I'll give her that at least.

"You know that I still-", I cut her off. "I don't really care. And I don't even want to be involved with your or this crazy monster but one thing you should know : it doesn't matter how many mistakes you've done, you don't deserve someone to step all over you." I flinch when I remember how fragile and broken she looked at the party.

I took the phone from her hands and left the room when I feelt someone walking behind me. I turn around and right there,she stood. "I don't need your help-".

"You need it and you know it. I know where he hides and even more so, I have some guesses on where Lara might be, so shut it and move." She orders me as she usually does as we walk away from school.


"What is he doing here again?" Cami practically shouted when she saw me.

Violetta had taken us to a warehouse, saying that Lara was most probably here but the place was empty and there was no sign of any illegal activity down here. And to my fortune, she even let Cami and Federico tag along us.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2019 ⏰

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