
Katsuki explained what happened, walking to the corner of the room after he was done, as his mom sat on the edge of your bed, looking at your worn out figure. You looked in pain, as Katsuki's mom grabbed your hand, and smiled at you. "You fought, that is something that your parents would be proud of." She said to you, as you tightened your hand around hers. "She's awake?" She questioned, as you slowly opened your eyes. A few seconds ago, the pain was to real to move, but now, knowing that someone was there, you felt as if you could get through it.

"Y/N?" Katsuki questioned, turning around to you, to see you smiling softly. "Y/N". He ran to the bed, and wrapped his arms around your torso, falling to his knees. You felt something wet on your shirt, as you looked down at Katsuki's eyes, which had formed tears. He was acting so different. What had happened when you were out of it? You wrapped your weak arms around him, beginning to also cry.

"A-Are you okay? You didn't sustain any damage right?" You asked him, as he looked up to you, gritting his teeth. "If you did, then I-" You started as he growled slightly, as you were taken aback. You stopped mid sentence, and looked at him with worry. "What is it? What?" You questioned, as he tightened his grip on you, putting his head on your chest, gripping your clothes, and growling.

"Am I okay? YOU GO AND ALMOST GET YOURSELF KILLED, AND YOU ASK IF I'M OKAY?!" He yelled into your chest, as you flinched in fear, tears streaming down your face. You tried to make him look up, but he tightened his grip on you, causing you to whimper slightly. "WORRY ABOUT YOURSELF! YOU ALMOST DIED Y/N! GET THAT THROUGH THAT THICK HEAD OF YOURS!" He boomed, as you sobbed. You never knew he felt like this, or at least this intensely.

"Katsuki, that's enou-" His mom started.

"NOT UNTIL SHE UNDERSTANDS PEOPLE CARE ABOUT HER! NOT UNTIL SHE UNDERSTANDS I CARE ABOUT HER! FUCK!" He yelled at his mom, as his mom smiled softly, and sat down.

'So this is all about him wanting her safe then. He must like her a lot then. I have never seen him this worked up about anything but becoming top hero.' She thought looking at the both of you. 'Y/N, he must like you a lot.'

"Ka-Katsuki" You sobbed, pulling him towards your face, as you pulled him into a massive hug, crying into his shoulder. "I didn't know..." You cried into his shoulder, as he tightened his grip again, as you winced from the pain in your side. "K-Katsuki, you are hurting me."

"How did you not know!" He spat at you, releasing you from him, and hovering over you, his hands on each side of your torso., only inches away from his face. You heard a door close, his parents must have left. Crap. "Could you not tell by the fact people worry about you? By the fact that I worry about you!" He thundered from above you, as his eyes stared at you. Tears slid down the sides of you face, as you lifted a shaky hand to his face. You sobbed again, as you held the side of his face. His face quickly approached yours, as he kissed you, and you closed your eyes.

You melted into the kiss, never wanting him to leave. He pulled back barely, your foreheads still against each other's. He started saying something into your lips, making it so it barely reached your ears. "Dammit Y/N..." He swore, and continued to kiss you, as you began kissing him back. A few minutes went by, and he pulled back again, as you opened your eyes, half lidded, soon making a pouting-like face. "Now that is an interesting face." He smirked, as you pouted more.

"Not funny." You said as you stuck your tongue out at him. He then decided to annoy you, as he fell on top of you, crushing you into the bed. "UGH! KATSUKIIIII" You complained as you tried to push him off, but you failed. You were weaker than usual due to the fact you had a concussion, and an amount of injuries. "GET OFFFFFF!" You laughed, your body shaking with each laugh, shaking the boy laying on you also.

"I can't hear you, I'm sleeping." He joked back. Now this is something new to you. He had never acted so, well, normal?

"If you are asleep, how do you talk?"

"Because I am a magical fairy." He said, looking at you, and sticking his tongue out. You pushed his face away in annoyance, laughing again.

"Not funny." You repeated, sticking your tongue back out at him. He scoffed, and used you as a pillow. You both sat there in silence for a little bit, until you began to fall asleep again. Your consciousness slowly slipped from you, as your breaths started to become steady, and normal.

He also had fallen asleep, and his parents opened to door, to make sure there was no *cough cough* funny business *cough cough*. They looked inside to find you two asleep, both smiling, while your breaths were taken in unison. His mother took out a phone, and snapped like, at least 50 photos, while his dad tried to get her to stop, knowing how pissed Katsuki would be.

Katsuki's mom, woke up her son, saying that they had to go back home, as you woke up also, noticing the leaving of warmth. He sat up, as you grabbed his arm, and would not let go. He looked to his mom, and then to you, clicking his tongue in annoyance. "Are you feeling better?" His mom asked, as you nodded, and she looked at Katsuki, and nodded. Katsuki then lifted you up off of the bed, and carried you on his back. "Then let's go home!" His mom said to you, as you all began walking out of the building.

Your face began to turn red, as you buried your face in Katsuki's shoulder. You could hear your heart in your ears, as you smiled joyously.

'Mom, Dad, I have found a family that loves me... I have found a family I love!' you thought in your mind, looking at the sunset going on to your left. 'I have found a boy I love.' You thought, looking at the boy carrying you. You looked up to the sky, to see an arrange of colors. Pinks purples and blues all on top of each other, shades or orange here and there, and red also. You smiled, up at the sky. 'Thank you for guiding me this way.' You thought to the sky, thanking your parents in silence, as everyone continued walking at a steady pace.

Author's notes:

Heyo heyooooo! It is Alexa (the person bringing you angst) the author, bringing you another update! I realize Katsuki is a little bit Out of character, but I mean, you almost did just die, and you saved him, and he might of let a little bit of his feelings slip, and then cuddle with you, but.... Why not?

If you have any ideas for the story, please leave a comment below, or contact me, so that I can incorprate almost all of the ideas I can (it might be hard, but I will try!)

I am tired, so I am going to continue to write, and ignore sleep.

See all y'all soon! Baiiiii!

I'm Just Your Problem//Katsuki Bakugou X Reader (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now