The Boost and The Deal

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In the locker room,

Sophie told the team everything that she that she found out. They got depressed even more. She tried giving them a pep talk, but it did not lift their spirits a little.

Porky: I think, we should q-qui...forfeit.

The Toons agreed, but Sophie would not let them.

Sophie: You guys can't! You gotta fight with everything you have! Please don't quit!

But the Toons fell asleep and snored loudly. Lola was the only one listening.

Lola: Well. How are we supposed to do that?

Bugs: (Walks over) You finished? Great speech and all, Doc; you had them riveted. Buy, eh, didn't ya forget something?

Sophie: What?

The rabbit held out a bottle with a label that said 'MY SECRET STUFF', indicating that it was supposed to have come from Sophie.

He guzzled the water down his throat and, just as the toons woke up, they were stunned to see Bugs, taller and muscular. The Toons were impressed.

Lola: Wow!

Daffy: Whoa! Nice deltoids!

Bugs: (Flexes a muscle and winks at Sophie) Play along.

Sophie took the bottle and examined it. Bugs tugged the bottle from her.

Bugs: Hey, stop hogging' it, kid! We're your teammates!

The bottle flew out of Sophie's paw and it landed near Porky, who took a swig.

Elmer: Secret Stuff? (Took a sip)

Sylvester: You wouldn't hold out on us, would ya?

Sophie: (Dawg takes a swig) Oh no. I though you were tough without it.

Foghorn: We're also chicken, honey. We need it bad.

Foghorn got in between Sylvester and Wile fighting over the bottle and took the bottle and drank it.

Sylvester: Hey!

Wile: I have a girlfriend that I plan to spend my life with. So, give me that!

But, Foghorn tossed the bottle to Daffy, who caught it.

Daffy: Ya know, this goes against everything that they've taught me in health class.

Sophie: (Annoyed) You wanna win?

Daffy: Bottoms up.

He guzzled the bottle until there was nothing left.

Sophie: Alright, are you ready to save your butts?

Looney Tunes: YEAH!

The toons in the stadium cheered as the Toon Squad ran out onto the court, with looks of determination in their eyes, although Wile had more determination than everybody, Sophie knew that he wants to win this, so that he and she can be together, and she wants that too. They face the Monstars, finally standing up for them, growling in their faces. Daffy faced off against Bang, Taz and Porky snarled, Bupkus growled as Sophie growled like a feral wolf. Bugs gave a steely, but confident expression.

Bang threw the ball to Pound. But, Bugs rode a mechanical scooter and stole the ball from him. Sophie ran on ahead, following after Bugs. The bunny stooped his scooter and tossed the ball over his shoulder.

Bugs: Special delivery!

Sophie caught the ball and shot it into the hoop. Everyone cheered and Swackhammer booed. Bupkus dribbled the ball and was about to dunk the ball. When he saw the hoop covered with explosives. Then, the hoop exploded, while Wile, Sophie, and Bugs stood there watching. Wile was holding a remote that caused the explosion.

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