The Right To Defend Themselves

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Sophie was in the living with her mom watching the news.

Michael Jordan was striking out and the news man was talking trash about it.

Sophie: (To the Reporter) Mom get me the bat, so I can knock his lights out!

Reporter: Michael, I know golf is your sport, but not here.

Sophie: He's keeping a promise!

Rose: (Shakes her head and gets up) I don't want to listen to this. Go ahead and watch what you want.

She left the room, leaving Sophie in the living room. Sophie picked up the remote and flipped through some channels until she stopped at a good Wile E. Coyote and Roadrunner cartoon. (Beep, Beep). Wile E. Coyote was carrying a heavy anvil and started walking across the wire, but the wire dipped down low towards the ground.

Sophie: (Laughs and Smiles Fondly) Wile E. Coyote, you are a funny guy.

Sophie has been harboring a crush on the coyote, ever since she was little. He would always make her laugh. Even though, he is her favorite. She loves the Looney Tunes with all her heart.

Sophie watched the coyote on the screen with a pang of sympathy, for she understands the rough treatment that he was getting from the Roadrunner, almost like the rough treatment that she gets at school. On TV, Wile touched the ground when the Roadrunner showed up. He mad a meep, meep sound and raced away. Then Porky Pig ran up to the screen.

Porky: Stop this c-c-cartoon! (Roadrunner returns) We've got an em-m-m-mergency Cartoon Union M-M-Meeting to go to!

Seeing Porky in this cartoon was quite a surprise for Sophie. Then, the Roadrunner quickly sped off with Porky behind him.

Porky: Hey! Wait for-wait for m-hold your horses!

Wile dropped the anvil and started to follow them, only for the wire that he was standing on, shot him up in the air and off screen. Right after the gag, there were no characters on the screen, only the scenery.

Sophie stared at the television in confusion.

Sophie: (Confused and Worried) What's going on?

That night in Looney Tune Land, toons from many cartoons were going into Town Hall for the meeting. Wile came crashing through the roof and landed on the carpet floor, and was covered in soot. Daffy Duck came in, wrapped in bath towels and soaking wet, and stepped on Wile's snout and pushed Foghorn Leghorn aside on his way in.

Daffy: Stop the Music! Top duck coming through! Jeez! So, what's the big emergency?

Everyone turned to the figures on stage. The Nerdlucks stood there as they had Bugs Bunny tied up in chains after they had captured him, but Bugs decided to play it cool, like he usually does.

Bugs: These little guys here would like to make a announcement. (Holds a microphone for Pound) Here ya go, shorty.

The Nerdlucks pushed Pound forward, so he could make the announcement.

Pound: Alright, alright! (Clears throat) You. All of you, are now our prisoners!

A moment of silence occurred throughout the entire theater, then laughter erupted from the world crowd of toons.

Sylvester: (Sarcastically) We're in big trouble now!

Pound was embarrassed, but Nawt tried to help by turning the microphone in his direction.

Nawt: We're taking you to our theme park in outer space!

Blanko: No fooling.

Nawt: Where you'll be our slaves! Placed on display for the amusement of our paying customers!

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