A new teammate and a trip

Start from the beginning

Everyone watched as Lola dribbled the ball with ease while Bugs got Into position.

Lola: Ready?

Bugs: Yes.

He tried to catch the ball as she ran around him in circles.

Bugs: I got it! I got it!

But, he got all tied up as Lola dribbled the ball and jumped up in the air and dunked the ball into the basket.

Sophie: (Amazed) Wow!

As Lola seductively approached bugs, he glanced up at her.

Bugs: Yes?

She brought his head close to her face.

Lola: Don't ever call me...Doll.

Bugs: Check! (Drops to the floor.)

She smiled as she walked towards the exit while the others were mesmerized by her.

Lola: Hey, nice playing with you.

Sophie: Hey, Lola! Feel free to join the team.

Lola looked back at Sophie and smiled while giving her a slight nod, before she exited the gym.

Sophie: (Smirks) Smooth, Bugs.

Bugs: Eh, she's obviously nuts about me.

Sophie rolled her eyes at him.

Sophie: Where's the ball? (Pepe gives him the ball) You guys are getting a little out of control with basketball. Let me show you, how it is done.

But, she fell to the floor, when the sleeve of her pants was caught on the floor.

Sophie: Can anyone lend me a pair of sneakers?

Bugs: Uhhh, sneakers?

The rabbit looked down at his feet. Neither he or any of the Toons were wearing sneakers.

Tweety: Sorry!

Sophie: Well. Somebody is gonna have to got to my house, and get my basketball stuff.

Daffy: Your house? In 3D land?

Sophie: Yes. And while you're there, keep out of my mom and grandma's sight. I don't wanna think how they'll react if they find you and Bugs in my house.

Daffy: Bugs is coming too?

Sophie: Yeah, someone's gotta keep an eye on you, Daffy. Plus, Bugs has already been to my house before.

Bugs: Eh, we'll be alright.

After Bugs and Daffy left, Sophie just remembered something.

Sophie: (Worried) Oh no.

Wile, who was next to her, looked at her.

Wile: What is it, my dear?

Sophie looked at him while smiling sheepishly.

Sophie: I forgot to tell them about....my dog.

That night in the real world, Bugs and Daffy were tunneling underground to get to Sophie's house.

Daffy: The view back here stinks!

He stopped suddenly, when he bumped into Bugs.

Daffy: Now, what?

Bugs: We're right in front of the Smith house.

Daffy: I know that.

Bugs: Shh! Ok, let's go this way.

Daffy: I say, let's go this way.

Bugs: He just never learns.

Sighing, Bugs tunneled to the house doorstep while Daffy tunneled to the backyard.

Daffy: Now. let's see, I must be very close.

He flickered on a lighter to see where he was, only to find himself, face to face with a German Shepherd, who growled at Daffy.

Daffy: (Faces the audience with a panicked face) Mother.

While the dog was attacking Daffy, inside the doghouse. Bugs managed to get himself into the Smith house with no problem.

Bugs: Still a nice digs. (A knock at the door) Well, well. I wonder who that could be.

He opened the door and Daffy fell in, all beat up from the dog.

Daffy: (Dazed) Twinkle, twinkle, little star. (He falls to the floor.)

Bugs: Shh! Everyone's sleeping!

Daffy: (Gets up) I knot that!

Bugs: C'mon. We got to get the gear.

They began searching the house, peeking in from door to door to different parts of the house.

Bugs: Nope! Nothing here.

Daffy: Nope! Ah, what a very nice dining set.

Bugs: Nuh-uh! Not here. Let's look upstairs.

Daffy: (Sarcastic) yes, oh fearless leader.

Luckily, the first room that they came to was Sophie's room. They noticed it was covered in Looney Tunes merchandise. Posters of each character were up on the walls, small statues of them were on the shelves by the window, and there were plushies of the cartoons on a small chest in front of the bed. However, the Wile E. Coyote plushie was on the bed. Bugs smirked at the thought of Sophie cuddling up to Wile, every night.

Daffy opened the closet and the gear was right there in a bag.

Daffy: I got the stuff.

Then, they heard a loud thud from behind the door, and they both froze in thier tracks.

Bugs/Daffy: We're caught!

But, no one came inside the room. It was suddenly quiet.

Bugs: Who's out there?

Daffy: Ok, ok. I'll check.

He opened the door and was face to face with the german shepherd, who growled at Daffy, who slammed the door in the dog's face.

Daffy: I found an angry German Shepherd.

The dog rammed the door down, crushing Daffy painfully.

Daffy: The pain!

Bugs ran towards them. He manages to jump over the dog and grab Daffy in the process. They ran outside and into the forest in the backyard.

The dog was barking at the forest, and Rose came out after from being woken up by the dog's barking.

Rose: (Kneels and strokes the dogs) Charlie, what's wrong?

Charlie whimpered as he stared at the forest.

Rose: (Stands up) Come on, you can sleep with Momma.

Charlie then runs back into the house, while Rose just stands there looking at the forest, hoping that her daughter was alright.

Rose: (Softly) Sophie...

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