Chapter 36 - "Hey there, Ms. Pretty Eyes"

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"Oh yeah. I'm sorry, ma'am. We forgot we have a future - CEO with us." Ross comments and starts laughing.

"That reminds me, I read the article about you on Teen Vogue. You rocked, girl. I'm waiting for their paper issue so that I can look at your picture and show my family that this is my girl!" She says and I give her an aww look.

"We can go after your conference" Jule says, his blue eyes hypnotizing mine.

"I don't think I'd be up for anything after that. I'd be tired as hell" I say, looking back at him. He had sadness written all over his face. I cannot move my eyes away from his. Its like, his eyes are apologizing to me and mine are forgiving him.

The bell goes off, signaling for us to be inside the classrooms. I excuse myself and get inside. I take the last seat and as I am about to take my phone out, I see Peter coming towards me. Oh yes, we're together in geography

"Hey" I say as he finally reaches my desk. He sits down on the chair closest to me.

"Hey" He says with a smile "I'm really glad you talked to him. He is like on the ninth cloud all the time. I have to drag him down back to earth." I laugh and he joins in.

"You know, if he troubles you or pisses you off, you can always tell me." He assures me and I smile with a nod. I'm starting to like this guy.

"Thanks" I say.

"And by the way, the thing that happened between you and Angelina in the gym today, that was awesome." He whispers at the last part. How does he know about it?

"How do you know?" I ask him.

"Annie is my girlfriend, just in case you didn't know" He says nonchalantly.

"Oh yeah right. I forgot about that" I say with a sly smile. How can someone be with that girl?

"Yeah I know" he says as if he could read my thoughts. "But that's a story to tell for another time, as for now, I'm really happy for you guys." He is a very sweet person. Seriously.

"Don't be. We are on and off all the time." I say laughing.

"Yeah, that happens." He says and then we talk about a few more things. As we are talking Ross comes to us.

"Get up. That's my seat" He says, not very politely. Actually that was quite rude.

"Ross, there's no need to shout." I scold him and he gives me a WTH look.

"No its fine. I'll see you later." Peter adds and walks to the front of the class, over to his desk.

"Since when did you guys become friends?" Ross asks, looking pissed. I can't think of an answer to that.

"Just so you know, he's best friends with the most popular boy in the school, Nathan. You know how mean and rude popular kids are, right?" That was very judgemental.

"Speaking of 'mean and rude', I thought that was you right now being it and not Peter." I admit mockingly.

"Did you just defend him?" He asks, looking aghast.

"I just said the truth." I say raising my eyesbrows and giving him a 'duh' look.

Mr. Attkinson, our geography teacher, walks in and starts with his dready lecture. As always, no one pays attention and everyone keeps themselves busy with their phones.

"What is wrong with you and Jule? I mean you don't even behave like you could be in a relationship with each other. No one would ever say you are his girlfriend and vice versa." Ross asks, pulling me out of my train of thoughts. Side note, I think I am starting to dislike him a bit.

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