Chapter Seven: Escape is Harder Then it Looks

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~(Y/n) POV~

Damn I need a harmonica. Then this picture would be complete. I slumped further against the wall, watching the frog dudes on their little magic mopeds zoom around, checking on all the inmates.

Most of the other people in the boxes of doom seemed either really evil, really buff, or really conceded. Most had an air about them that seemed to say they'd gotten here for doing something horrible that wasn't for their benefit, but just because they wanted to see pain.

I felt a sudden pang in my chest as I realized they probably thought I belonged with this croud. But who's to say I wasn't. Murderer of 108 innocent men, women and children. And those were just the ones from the jobs. I had the blood of 139 people on my hands.

But it was all going to be worth it, wasn't it? Once I was done with my contract, I would be free... Just another year to go. Just twelve more assassinations. Just one more year, then I won't be his anymore. I won't be his toy. Then all of this would be behind me. Just one more year...

Turning my train of thought back to my predicament, I started forming a plan. The next time they came with food, I would take hold of the metal rod they used to deliver it. As it were, when I touch it I can use my magic, as exhibited when they prodded me with it and I felt my magic return momentarily. I would cut off their sences, then pull him or her by the rod onto the surface of the chamber. Their touch opens the doors.

At that point, I would have to fight my way out, or, considering it might actually go well, sneak out unnoticed.

I waited for about two hours, bidding my time until I would have my chance at freedom. My eavning meal was delivered by a seemingly frail frog man, who looked like he was grumbling about something by the way his lips moved slightly and his eyebrows were knit so firmly. As he approached my cell however, he seemed to grow slightly more cautious, skeptically looking at my nonchalant features.

I sneered slightly as he began to sink the rod through the wall, then just as I grabbed it, smirked wickedly. I saw his face grow panicked, then terrified as I cut his, and all those who were in the area's senses off. I then pulled him slowly to the surface of my cell. When his face pressed against the wall, it disappeared, and I let go of him. I stepped out of my cell and onto his vehicle, and as I did, I let him fall to the ground, landing with a delightful splat. 140.

My magic didn't reach the other inmates, so they watched as I descended to the floor, their expressions varying anywhere from admiration to resent. I did not however, stop to free any of them.

Once I landed, I proceeded out of the room, masking my presence with my magic. Anyone who spotted me would not be able to see, hear, smell or feel me. I appeared to be a blind spot in their vision. I walked past the guards, and into the hall, continuing with caution.

After a moment, I saw Lahar come around the corner, speaking rapidly to an officer presumably of some kind of high rank, due to the fact that he sported a prestigious badge and a smug look. They seemed not to notice me for a moment, and continued walking down the hall, but I let down my guard a moment too soon. Lahar stopped, staring at me, or what he saw as a blind spot. My heart beat more quickly for a moment, then he turned and kept walking, not answering the officer as he asked what was wrong.

I saw them enter the large chamber I had just escaped, then, barely a moment afterwards I heard the unforgettable sound of marching troops. They came down the hall, all bearing weapons and a look of purpose. Lahar came back into the hall.

"(Y/n) (L/n), a deadly assassin, has recently escaped. We presume she is still in the building. Be on the lookout for anything, or nothing at all. She uses a sensory magic that will disturb your sences. If you see anything, or nothing at all, call for backup. Do not approach her without proper help, she is very dangerous. Move!" Not a moment after he said this, she felt the eyes of the soldiers bear into her.

"Sir, escuse my asking, but am I the only one without vision problems that seems to have a blind spot right over there?" He pointed directly at me.

A murmur erupted.

"No, I believe you are not the only one who sees this," Well shit.

They began to close in around me, cautious, but still determined. I began to frantically cut off as many of the soldiers sences as I could, but with so many people, it was taking longer then I had hoped. I was starting to lose energy, and quickly.

Then all I saw was fire.

It came from the left, sweeping over the crowd of soldiers. I was knocked to the side harshly, my head banging into the marble floor. Searing pain and heat was all I could feel, the sounds of yelling, shouts of men, and the roaring of fire were all I could hear. My control over my magic was swept away without warning. I felt the dazing feeling of utter confusion and chaos, along with a pounding in my head.

I remained conscious as someone scooped me up, holding me bridal style, but I couldn't identify them through in my panicked state and blurring vision. The heat from the fire was replaced with the warmth of someone's chest, and through the chaos I felt a small bit of comfort. Then we were moving.

It wasn't until the Council was miles behind us and the ground far beneath us that I was able to make any sense out of the situation.

I looked, still dazed, into my savior's face.


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