Chapter Three: Feelings? I Have Non.

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~(Y/N) POV~

As Makarov closed and locked his office door, I couldn't help but feel like a caged animal. He slowly approached his desk and sat down.

"Please sit." He said sternly. I obeyed him and sat down, my eyes never leaving his.

"What was your purpose for coming here." He said, more of a demand then a question.

"I had no reason whatsoever to join this guild. Why don't you ask Natsu? Although, you'll have to wait a while." I said, smirking at the last part.

He let out a frustrated sigh. "Who are you really, and why should we be scared of you." He said with more force.

"Wouldn't you like to know." I smirked. "No reason I should tell you, now is there."

"Why did you say the things you said after your fight with Natsu." He said, ignoring my last comment.

"I said the truth." I replied, trying to wear away at his patience.

"Is (y/n) (l/n) your real name."

The last question pierced my shell and I felt my heart rate start to quicken, but that quickly went away and I almost glared at him.


He said nothing else, but got up and unlocked the door. He sat back down and started filling out paperwork. "You may take your leave now."

"Well, I hope you don't mind, but I'm leaving the guild, permanently." I said as I stood up.

I exited the room, to find a couple of the members huddled around the door, presumably listening to our conversation. I passed them and headed out the door, feeling just about every eye on me. I didn't care, I held my hand above my guild mark and burned it off. 'Like that was going to work anyway. But, I wonder if I set a new record for the fastest to get kicked out.' I thought with a huff as I walked away from the building, hopefully never to see it again.

"Why did I even bother." I mumbled to myself as I started down the streets of Magnolia.


As I continued walking through town, my stomach's grumbling became more of a roar. 'Dangit (y/n), couldn't you have gotten food before you got kicked out? Ugh.' My posture crumbled and I trudged through the streets.

'Maybe I'll get a job... You never know what sort of twisted people live around here.' I though, curiously looking at the different houses. I secretly hoped that someone would try to mug me, or give me some sort of trouble, but it wasn't meant to be.

I looked at the sky and saw the sun starting to dip behind the houses. It was getting late, and I didn't have anywhere to stay. I sighed and turned into the next alley, to my luck it was a dead end and was almost completely empty. Just a few boxes and such. I didn't have the energy to look any further, so I curled up in the corner and hoped for good weather. But of course, the world was in the mood for tormenting me.

A sudden crack of thunder shook the sky and the clouds practically spit on me in disgust. Not like I didn't deserve it though, me being me, I probably didn't deserve to live at all. But again, it's not like I cared, I had always been the child that was kicked to the streets after asking for food. I'd shown them, hadn't I. Now look where they are.

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