Chapter 2 - Natal day

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“A good morning to you, dear sister!” greeted Earl Herling, taking her right hand and kissed it.

Hélène gave an appearance of a happy woman, with cheeks blushing scarlet.  Her bright yellow gown swayed with her movements.

“A good morning to you too lord brother.” She curtsied to him, and her train of ladies followed her lead.  She gave him her warmest smile.

“May I take the loveliest lady of the land to the chapel for her name day? The office for today will be dedicated for you.” said Richard.  He held out his arm from his light summer clothes and Hélène took it.  They walked side by side as they go hear the mass in the King’s chapel.

The weather that day was warm and inviting.  As they walked through the canopied cobblestone pathway, the siblings came across the King in his blood red velvet breeches and earth-coloured tunic.  She curtsied low together with her brother, and the King tipped his cap in return.

“Ah, Earl Herling, my friend.  How you two look a lovely pair together? If I didn’t know you both I’d assume she is your lady.” The King remarked.  Hélène let out a little chuckle and Richard grinned widely.

“Indeed your Grace.  My lovely sister is so alluring today, her 23rd natal day, and I am come to take her to the chapel for her blessings.” he answered.  “I’ve also decided to take her out back to our home at Nether today, your Grace, to afford her a new horse and celebrate with our family.”

“Is it, Mistress Feuillets? Of course I will not be overshadowed by the gift of my good friend here.  Tell me, what are your wishes for your natal day?” the King said most gallantly.

Hélène paused for a moment.

“Oh, Your Majesty, I should like nothing more than your favour.” she said.

“But you do have my greatest favour already, dear lady.”

“Then I want your love, your Grace.” she stated in a most reserved manner.

The king’s company was taken aback.  They knew of the king keeping her as his mistress, together with his generous allowance and retinue for her, but they never expected it to be declared so vulgar and outward as this.

The King was delighted with her innocent frankness.

“Then you shall have all my love, mistress Hélène .” the king promised her.


On their way to Nether, a carrier page on his horse followed their chaise.  Richard had the chaise called to a halt and accepted the letter he was carrying, giving him a few silvers.

“I was ordered by His Majesty to see Mistress Feuillets open and read the letter.” the pageboy stated.

“Oh, then here, take it sister” said Richard, handing the letter that bore the King’s seal.

Hélène placed in her finger between the flap of the envelope and broke the seal made of candle wax.

“Do I read it out loud?” she asked the pageboy.

“Yes Miss.”

She unfolded the parchment.  She recognized the handwriting at once, and she was happy the king did not commission his clerk to write the letter, as the king himself wrote the announcement.  The letter read:

 “My dearest mistress Feuillets,

 I am honoured to inform you that I, Henry III of Gaerdin, together with the unanimous approval of the privy council, decided to bestow on you the hereditary peer title of Viscountess of Humden, as the last viscount died with no issue nor claimants on the line.  As such, the investiture is to take place on Friday, July 31st, at my chapel.

 You are no longer to be called ‘Mistress Feuillets’, but at the very least, Your Ladyship The Viscountess Humden.  This is to earn your favor and also be token of apology for my unruly behavior in the past few days.

 I am hoping that this kind act of me merits your love and affection once more.  Come back to me at once, my lark, my rose.

 His Majesty

Henry III”

“This is a most wonderful gift for you, sister.” said Richard, struck with awe.

“You may go now sir.” Hélène told to the pageboy.

The pageboy dipped his head and galloped the opposite direction.

“Go now, monsieur Valvert.  We need to get to Nether at once.” She ordered their horseman.

“You don’t seem happy Hélène .”

“Of course I’m not.  Me, a viscountess? He promised me that I’ll be his queen.”

“Maybe it’s just a safeguard for you.  You know, you bear his child after all.”

“A bastard boy cannot inherit a title, you of all people know that.  Richard—“

She cupped her mouth, taking care not to vomit within their chaise.

“Here, take my kerchief.” He offered.  He patted her back to ease her turning stomach.

“This better be a boy.” she said.

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