Quiet Time

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Shrieking with rage, Avellyn chucked her novel clear across the carpeted living room, her posture teeming with rage. From the nearby love seat her boyfriend Sasam raised a brow.

"Careful love," he murmured with a curious flick of his long scaly tail, "If you damage the book too much you can't return it."

Avellyn scowled and stomped over, waiting until Sasam had lifted his arms with a resigned sigh before sprawling out in his lap with a grumpy huff.

"Please pet my head." Avellyn muttered, crossing her arms and pouting.

With a soft chuckle, the demon complied. With every few careful strokes of his claws along her scalp, the woman felt herself relax a bit.

"Stupid cheesy novella romance crap." Avellyn grimaced.

"Ah, thought so."

"And they used South Dakota as a setting! I've been camping in practically every corner of that state!" Avellyn snapped as her tangent picked up, "The landscape was all wrong and the cities and towns were awful rip offs...and the clothing didn't match! Trashy, stupid, misinformed..."

Sasam regarded Avellyn warmly as she fumed in his lap. Leaning down, the demon pressed a small kiss to her forehead.

"You only bought it yesterday, I'm sure you can return it." Sasam chuckled.

"Yeah, but I read it! It's stupidity is burned into my brain." The woman grumbled.

Setting his own hardcover down, Sasam nuzzled her cheek, resting his now-free hand on her waist. "I bet I could make you forget all about your unfortunately trashy purchase." He crooned, his voice deep and gravelly.

A small smile flickered across Avellyn's lips. "I'm sure you'd win that bet. But...later? Please?"

"Hm, not it the mood?"

"Not yet."

"Don't want to be messed with just yet?"


"Don't apologize." Sasam shook his head and squeezed her leg affectionately, "I wouldn't win the bet if you weren't willing when I tried to prove it." He smirked against her cheek.

"Mm, fair enough." She murmured and pressed a chaste kiss to his lips. "Hey, I'm feeling like Chinese right now? You want anything?" Avellyn hummed as she reached for her cell phone.

"Hm, a House Special and Fried Lobster Rice." He shrugged and reclined the love seat.

Yawning, Avellyn took a moment to better curl herself atop him. "M'kay piggy." She teased, giggling as his hand engulfed her ass and squeezed. She replied with a mock pout, "Meanie."

Sasam rolled his eyes. "Just order your food."

"And bossy, gosh."


"Ooh, say my name again. I love it."

"You are terrible."

"Terribly attractive, yeah I know."

Sasam just shrugged, earning him a playful swat to the chest as Avellyn finally dialed for food.

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