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4 years ago...

"Mom, just let me go to the party!"

Mom sighs. "No, Leia. Absolutely not!"

"Ugh! Why? I won't do anything!" I say, frustrated.

"No, you're not going and that's final!"

I scream in frustration. "Ugh! I hate you!" I yell before running into my room.

I don't know why she can't just let me go to Zack's party. I mean, he is my boyfriend. Sorta.

Okay, we've made out a few times and maybe hooked up a couple times. I may be only 14, but I'm not a child.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I get a text from my friend, Mikaela.

Hey, you're coming to the party tonight, right?

I think for a moment and come up with a plan. I text her back.

Of course. I'll have to sneak out though. Meet me behind my house in 10.

As soon as I send the text, I quickly get ready, and once I am, I sneak out my window and meet up with Mikaela.

"Damn, girl. You look hot," Mikaela compliments as I approach her.

"Thanks, babe, but you look hotter."

She flips her hair and smiles.

"Well, we've gotta go if we wanna get to the party. I convinced Zack to pick us up." She winks.

I roll my eyes, even though on the inside, I'm squealing.

Okay, so Zack may be slightly older than me. It's only two years though so it's not that bad.

I walk over to the car, keeping my cool, and get in the front seat.

"Hey, sexy," he says once I'm inside.

"Hey, cutie," I reply.

He then grabs my face and places his lips on mine.

After a few minutes of making out, I hear Mikaela clear her throat.

"Uh, guys? I'm still here. Can you stop making out for a second and get us to the party?"

He reluctantly pulls away from me and whispers in my ear, "We'll continue this later."

I smile like an idiot and nod.


As soon as we get to his house and get inside, Zack grabs my hips and pins me against the wall.

"You look so hot tonight, baby girl," he says in a low, sexy voice.

"You don't look too bad yourself, babe," I say in my most seductive voice.

I bite my lip and start kissing up and down his neck.

"God, I love you," he moans, and I stop for a second.

"You do?"

He smiles and nods. "Yeah, I think I do."

I smile widely and plant my lips on his.

I pull away and whisper in his ear. "Why don't we take this upstairs?"

I gently bite his earlobe.

"Baby girl, you make me crazy," he says and drags me up the stairs.


It's a month after the party, and I'm late. My period is fucking late!

I can't possibly be pregnant, can I? I mean, Zack and I used protection!

I'm at the store now, getting a pregnancy test.

I buy the test and go home.



I'm pregnant at 14 years old.

How am I gonna tell my parents?

How am I gonna tell Zack!?

What am I gonna do?

Just then, my phone rings. I look at the Caller ID and see that it's Zack. I gulp and answer the phone. "Hello?"

"Hey, baby!"


"Is everything okay? You've been acting weird lately," he mentions.

"Uh, yeah... Babe, I need to tell you something..."

"What is it?" he asks.

"Zack, I don't know how to tell you this..."

"Wait, are you dumping me!?"

"No, of course not! Zack, I'm pregnant..."

For a while, he's silent.

"I'm gonna be a father? At 16?" he asks.

"I'll be a mother at 14..."

"Wow... I'm sorry, I need some time," he says and hangs up.

I sigh.

He's never gonna talk to me again.


Now, here I am, 9 months later with a newborn baby girl.

I am now 15, with a daughter. Her name is Laura, and she's breath-taking.

Also, I was right. Zack hasn't spoken to me since I told him I was pregnant.

I wake up one morning and realize something. I slept through the night.

I quickly get out of bed and check the crib. Laura is gone.

I search the entire house and she's nowhere in sight. However, neither is my mother.

I continue to look around the house, but I only find my father in the kitchen with a piece of paper in his hand.

"Daddy? Where's mom?" I ask.

"She, uh, took Laura and left. She left this note for you," he says, handing me the note.


I know we never really saw eye-to-eye, but please know that I love you very much. That is why I've taken Laura...

You're too young to be a parent and I don't want you to be one. I think it's safer for the both of you if you two were separated until you are ready to be a parent.

I love you so much, Leia, but you're not fit to be a parent. So for a while, this is goodbye.


By now, there are tears running down my face. My mother left us and took my baby with her.


Well, now you guys know about Leia's secret past. What do you guys think about that? Please comment what you thought and I'll post chapter 13 asap. Also, this is unedited because I'm lazy 😂

Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LUKE ROBERT HEMMINGS!! I can't believe you're 20 now 😭

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