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// Kylie hunter //

As I'm driving to god knows we're I turn on the radio and drive by Halsey comes on. "All we do is drive, all we do this think about the feelings that we hide. All we do is sit in silence waiting for a sign. Sick and full of pride, all we do is drive" I sing softly as I pull up to an local park and jump out of the car. It was pouring down rain but I decided to jump out of the car anyway, at least no none will know I've been crying which is a good thing I guess. I find a park bench in the middle of the park i decided to sit there and just stare off into space thinking of everything that has gone wrong in my life. I pull out my phone and notice I have 30 missed calls

20 from - Austin❤️

10 from - Mum💕💕

I just decided to ignore them, then I go on too checking my text messages. 20 texts

10 from - Austin❤️

10 from - Mum💕💕

I decided to text my mum back because she's probably freaking out and even though she did piss me off I think it's a good idea to text her back.

To: mum💕💕
I'm fine, just need sometime. Be back home soon xo

From: mum💕💕
Okay, please be safe xx

To: mum💕💕
Will do xox

// Austin Mahone //

I feel so bad, I'm the one who caused her all this pain. But I still keep making her feel think shit. I jump into my car and head for the local park that I always go to think about shit, I need to find out how I'm going to get her back. But after all the shit I've done I don't think I will. If someone did that to me id probably never forgive them. As I pull up to the park I notice a figure sitting on the park bench, I jump out of the car and walk towards them, then all of sudden I notice it's Kylie. She must have heard me because she turned around with tear stains all down her face.

"Are you following me?" She spits "I'm not I promise I just came here to think" I say honestly "oh okay, well I better get going" she says as she tries to get up and walk away "no wait please I wanna talk" I say "not today" she says "please?" I asked "later I need to get home come over at 5 okay?" She says "okay I'll be there" I say

I haven't updated in months I'm so sorry thank you guys for being so patient I know I'm slack af.
I recently just got a job so I've been trying to focus more on work but I will be posting again soon.
Sorry it's really shitty but please comment & vote for a new chapter💕💕
Instagram: @whatevermahone_

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