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// Kylie hunter //

It's been a week since Austin kissed me, one hole week without making eye contact or even talking to to him. I know I'm most likely over reacting, but I can't let us be anymore then friends. It was lunch time I was sitting with Alex, Robert, Zach & Austin, as I was chatting away to Alex I hear Austin speak up "Kylie can we talk?" He asked butting in "um I can't s-sorry I've gotta be somewhere" I say then quickly grabbing my bag and heading outside to my car, as I jump into my car I notice Austin running out of the school gates. I quickly put my seat belt on and start the engine then leave.

When I get home I notice that no one is home, which is good because my mum would freak out if she found out I was still skipping. I decided they only good thing to do is to watch Netflix to kill some time.

// Austin Mahone //

All I did was ask Kylie if I could talk to her then she just takes off. I don't know what I did wrong, she hasn't spoken to me in a week a hole week & it's killing me. I decided that it would be a good idea to go over to her house and talk to her maybe I can find out what's up with her. I go back into school and tell the boys I'm skipping 6th period, then I quickly jump into my car & head for kylie's.


I pull up into her driveway and notice that she's the only one home by the looks of it. I jump out of my car and then knock on the door, seconds later she answers. "What are you doing here Austin? Your meant to be at school" she says annoyed "I came here to talk to you" I say "well I don't think you got the message before, I don't want to talk go back to school" she says then tries to close the door but I grab it "no Kylie I'm not leaving till you talk to me, I don't know what I did" I say "it's not you its me now leave please" she says "no not a good enough answer" I say "Austin leave I'm trying to be as nice as possible but your pushing my buttons" Kylie says "okay but I'm not done talking" I say "well I am end of story bye" she says then closes the door.

I need to find out what's up with her no matter what it takes I need to find out.

// Kylie Hunter //

I wish he would just leave it alone honestly if I don't wanna tell him that's my business not his. Sometimes I feel like I can't trust anyone only jai. But I haven't told jai yet and I'm trying to avoid talking to him about that.

• • • •
Sorry it's short
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I'll be back soon
Instagram: whatevermahone_

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