Chapter2-American Dreams

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I felt my heart start pounding as the words came out of Cry's mouth. "Septic you should come to America for a week or two!" I had the thought cross my mind only once before. "A-America? Come to America?" i said my voice shaking, Renne jumped on the idea. "Yes! I'll come down from New York for the week!" Renne said the excitement clear in her voice. "Yeah, we can finally meet each other in person," Felix said, We than all agreed. "So were do you guys wanna meet up?" Jason finally spoke, his vice being calm and peaceful as normal. "My Grandfather has a big place in Miami we can stay?" Cry suggested, everyone agreed right than. The trip was planned next Monday and I pretty much had no choice at this point.

I couldn't sleep the night before I was gonna leave. My brother was happy for me to go meet my friends and do something different for a change. And its 1 out of a million that I get to leave Europe for America. I couldn't wait to see Cry and mainly Jason. We'd been talking for what seemed like forever. I was excited and really scared to see him. The crew would be waiting at the airport for Felix and I to get of our flights. My brother and Aunt watched as I started walking to the Gate, "America hear I come," I said as I took a deep breath, as I sat alone in my row. I starred at the bottle in my purse. It was anxiety meds. Of curse, having the best things come to hand than you realize your worst side of it all. The felt like forever, as I starred out the window the entire time watching the clear blue water wave me by. I kept thinking about seeing everyone, no one has really any clue what I look like. Most of them believe for me to be a guy with a high quiet voice, I thought about it for a moment. I thought about Delirious, him, Tyler and Cry were going to be there waiting for Felix and myself. Hours later I watched as we landed in Miami, Florida. I looked around seeing that there weren't as many people as I'd thought which made me feel kind of better. I looked towards the lady talking about the plain getting ready to let us off. I waited for most of the people to get off as I pulled my bag out from the top storage space. I felt my heart racing as I stepped off in a completely new world. I walked into the airport to see millions of people. I looked down at my phone to see a message appear, "Hey you here yet?! We're outside by GateB5, Hurry!!" Cry sent me with a excited emoji. I looked at myself for a moment as I got closer to the exiting gate to the rest of the airport. "Yeah, I'll be out in a sec...Don't know where I'm going!" I sent back looking around, I followed people walking out and fount myself before even more people. I tried fixing my part as I looked around for the face of my cousin. I had an Idea of what he looked like, even thought it had been a year he couldn't have changed that much. "Okay, I'm beside the gate help!" I sent to Cry hoping he'd fine me so I wouldn't look too stupid. "Alright So I gotta find blue hair? lol" he sent back, I grinned starring at my phone. "Yes hurrrrryyyy!" I sent and looked up from my phone, I saw a group of guy standing by the middle guy with a phone. I looked away as the tall one looked up and at me. I pulled my bag strap over trying to act cool. A guy with blonde like hair walked over to them hugging them all. "Alright! now we just gotta find my little shit of a cousin," the middle guy said, I quintet seeing the green eyes of my cousin Brock M. James. I pulled the sleeves of my jacket down over my hands. I felt the anxiety rush over me as I took a deep breath and walked over to the guy in a black t-shirt. I towards them pushing the blue part of my hair above my eye, I tapped him on the shoulder. "Cry?" I asked and he spun around and looked at me, they all did. "You made it in one piece!" he said looking at me with a smile before pulling me into a hug. The three others looked over confused, "Cry she your girl or something?" Felix asked looking at Tyler, Brock looked at me and turned around. "Alright the jig is up," Cry said looking over to me for a moment, I felt my chest slightly tighten as I got nervous. This was it. "Jig? What are you talking about?" Jason said as I looked over him towering over me. "Guys Max is here," Brock said glimpsing down to his phone, Tyler looked at me then to Jason and Felix who turned looking around for a moment. "Wow, see I told you two," Tyler said looking at Felix and Jason, now they were all starring at me. "They didn't believe me but I figured you were a girl, and a cute one at that. You sound like a girl when you yell you know," Tyler said making me feel better, I still looked at the ground. "I agree, you're cuter than I thought." Delirious said giving me a shoulder hug, "and you're taller than I expected," I said he turned taking me in a full hug. "You're such a potato," he said rubbing my head. "Hey!" I laughed pushing him, he laughed smiling big. I felt calm now, picking my bag up Delirious grabbed it from my hand. "Here, allow me," he said trying to sound British. "That's a British accent ye know" I said allowing him to pick my bag up. He smiled looking at me before walking ahead. I felt really happy that they weren't mad about the hole girl thing, at least I'm cute right lol. It took us about a 20 minute drive to the house. I looked up seeing Delirious looking at Tyler. I looked down at my hands seeing Cry pulled into the driveway of the large house. Getting out I looked around amazed by the sites. "Breath taking right?" Cry said making me turn around to see him with his hands on his hips. I nodded grabbing my bag following the guys into the massive living room. "Heellloooo?" Cry yelled in a funny voice and Alexis, Raven, Travis and Ren came out of the other room. "Yes finally!" Travis said before looking around. "Alright where's that Irish Potato! Ima kick his ass like I said!" he had a grid on his face, "Where's Max? I thought you guys want to go pick him and Fel up? So You pick up a hot girl instead?!" Travis said looking at me than Cry, I rubbed the back of my head. "Now if you would let me talk I'd explain, Now the hole thing with Max," Cry said walking towards me, "Did he bitch out of it? I told you he would," Travis said under his breath looking over to Ren. "Travis for fucks sake this is Max! HE was actually a she and just didn't say anything about it," the four froze looking at me, I looked at Cry and thought for a moment. "Ooh, well why didn't just say something before about it Max? I guess now I won't kick your ass," Travis added, "For now" he laughed, I looked at him, "Oh, I'm surprised Brock didn't spill it before, I figured he'd say something," I said looking over to Cry again. "Trust me I wanted to but I didn't, that's why I planned this trip because I knew my mother would make you go," He said smirking, I gave him a bitch face. "Twat," I said looking at Brock.

"Yay! We can room together" Raven said smiling she came over hugging me as did Alexis. I felt really happy there. "Come on lets show up stairs, Renne is gonna be here tomorrow sadly," Alex said pulling me down the hall, and up stairs. Looking around the room, There had been Two beds in most of the rooms. So Raven and I would be rooming together. Raven came running in the room, "Dudes, I think Delly has thing for Max!" she closed the door fangirling, my face want pink. "Oh my god that's so cute!" Alex said looking at me, "Aww you're like a tomato! Do you like him?" I looked at her blushing even more, "Jut before I followed you guys up here I heard Travis say something about how you look cute and Delirious had said 'she's fucking adorable' and Brock told him to shut up and Del said no she really is" I tried not to say something so I came up here," Raven had a big smile on her face. "It would explain why he's acting so weird, he carried all her things to the room for her, I asked him to help me and he told me to do it myself," Alexis said chuckling slightly sitting on the bed. I didn't even realize he did, There was than a knock on the door, "You girls done gossiping yet or should I come back later?" Tyler said laughing slightly, "Its open Ty," Alex yelled looking at Raven. Tyler opened the door he was wearing a grey T-shirt and jeans. " Yu and Raven are in the room besides this one and yes I think he likes you so go with it," Ty elbowed my shoulder messing with me. "Ty hurry up or I'm starting the round without your slow ass!" Travis yelled from across the room. "Go talk to Del," Alex said following me in the hall, just before she walked in she smacked my ass and we all started laughing, "Gah! What the fuck?!" I was laughing as the guy were too, "Alex what the fuck?" Ren said peaking out the door trying not to fall over, Travis and Ty were laughing as they were playing some game. I walked down to see Delirious sitting the bags beside the bed. "You don't have to carry my stuff ye know," I walked over to the bed looking in my bag. "Where's my phone?" I began to check all the zippers and nearly empting the bag out. Del had a big grin on his face looking over to me. "Give me back" I said trying not to laugh as I ran to the other side of the bed, "Why don't you have a password for this thing, I can just go through all your messages, and photos," I ran over to him laughing, he kept holding it up to where I couldn't reach it. "Delirious come on give me it!" I tried reaching for it and we began to wrestle now. He pushed me down hovering over me, "Than why didn't you tell me?" it began to get serious, I pushed him up off me nervously. "Max, I was questioning myself so much before I saw you," I was sitting all the way up, "Questioning yourself-" I realized what he meant at that moment, "Delirious...I'm Sorry," I looked down in thought now. Shit...Did I just fuck up? Wait, he said he was questioning himself, that means...If i was a guy he'd..."Delirious" I looked up at him still holding my phone, he shoved me back down. "You're one giant ass you know," he said sitting beside me, "I thought I was a potato?" we both laughed. "That too, but I am glad you showed up though."

"I'm glad I get a little bit to know you, until..." I felt my heart sink, I already didn't want this to end and I had just walked in the door. "Yeah," we looked over at each other, and both had small smiles. I felt the tightness in my chest disappear as I looked at his half smile. This was going to be the best trip that would change everything.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2016 ⏰

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