Chapter1-Red and Blue

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This gonna kind of be like a intro, tell you about this entire thing sense I might leave out somethings and I am not too good with words so yeah. My name is Max Mcloughlin, and I was born in Dublin Ireland and raised for 10 years in BlackPool UK where I live. I'm about to be 20, and I've played online sense I was 15 years old. My cousin in Brock Jones who goes by Cry and he's two years older than I am. Now not even a year ago Brock had be start playing a MMO with him and a few guys he knew. At first it was Brock, Tyler, Felix and I for a few months before Tyler got another guy to tag along by the name of Jason. We were the main crew for a while. Not to long after we started playing with another group and became friends with Sasha, Alexis, Raven, Ren, Scarlett, Renne, and Travis. Now in the very beginning when I first met all these amazing people, there wasn't any girls in the group. And one day Felix had made a joke and it lead to them asking about my sex. My voice sounded like a slightly high pitched guy for a long time so I told them it was just the Irish sense I had my accent. Brock knew I was a girl and kept along with my lie which surprised me. They called me Toxic/Septic or just by Max. But they only called me Max when something was going on. So after a game Jason aka Delirious had asked me about my life and things like that, he wanted to know me. Now this was the day after the hole questioning of my sex and stuff. He asked me about it and I told him not what i wanted to. "I'm a guy, I don't see why it would change things between any of us," and Delirious acted weird for a day or two but soon want back to himself as days past. I felt bad, because not to long later I started to make my voice sound like a guys when my voice would be high. But I just couldn't believe that I was able to keep it a secret for a long time. Until Cry invited everyone down to Miami for a few weeks to get to know each other. I still didn't say anything to anyone until I walked up to them in the airport. But here's the story in better detail I guess.

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