She got over the counter and went up to hug me. She grabs her phone and brings her camera up.

"Okay Shawn smile!"

I get the stuff I ordered and say bye to the girl. I felt bad because I didn't know her name but I was in a rush anyways.

I drive fast to school

S. Hey bitch where are you?

Not even 5 seconds from my text Cam sneaks up behind me and screams. I jolt from the surprise and punch him. I know it was mean but it was my first instinct.

"Ow that hurt Shawnie!"

I was pissed he scared me but had butterflies from the nickname.

"Fuck you Dallas! That's what you get for scaring me you stupid fuck."

"Okay okay you know you love me," He says with a grin.

He gets behind me and hugs me.

"Please forgive me Shawnie pooh?"

I laughed and could feel my cheeks flush.

"We'll see."

"Okay Mendes, now let's walk to class," He says with a smile.

We go down the hall and some people recognize me but I ignore them. I continue down till I saw some familiar faces.

Carter runs up to me and jumps on me.

"Shawn's in our school! Holy shit!"

Everyone starts laughing except for Matt he looked kind of jealous? I don't really know but something was off.

I get to my first period and it's with Cam and Carter.

"Hello guys welcome to another year in high school I see we have a new fave in our classroom and many of you might already know who he is. Mr. Mendes please stand up."

I got up from my seat and waved to everyone. I saw smiles and angry faces at the same time.

The day goes by smoothly and I can understand everything because Cam helped me.

When it got to lunch that's when something happened.
I walk to my locker and I see Matt. He says Hi and asks if we could talk. I follow him to the library.

"Hey Matt it's okay I know about Carter and I ship it. It's really cute."

Matt's face reddened so he looked like a tomato. Ew tomatoes.

"Shh. Shawn, please you can't tell him or anyone. We've been best friends forever and I don't want to ruin anything. I love Matt a lot but I don't want to make him sad and I would just hurt him. "

I can hear the desperation in his voice and knew he was serious. His eyes started to well up and tears were coming out.

"It's okay Matt I won't tell but you should know Carter will love you know matter what."

I give Matt a hug and get him to calm down and we walk to lunch.

I got in line for the food and a girl walks up to me.

"Hey your Shawn right?"

"Yeah. Whose asking?"

"My name is Maggie and I umm... Need to tell you something... Um.."


"She wants to tell you to back the fuck off Carter Fuckboy."

"Ouch that hurt and you must be the "bitch of the west" Madison beer."

By then I knew I caught her by surprise. I heard about her and the things people said weren't good.

"Whatever just fuck off of Carter Mendes."

"You know Carter jumped on me right? And plus I don't listen to bitches so thank you," I said with a smirk.

She scoffs and walks off with Maggie. I don't think Maggie is a bad person just Madison forces her to be one. I grab my food and sit at the table.

"Soo I saw you talking to Madison." It came from Jack G.

"Yeah, she's not very nice is she?"

"Um, well you must've done something cause she's actually really nice."

Oh shit anyone could tell. Jack liked Madison. We talked about our teachers and classes the rest of lunch until the bell rang. I walked to my last periods which I had with Taylor and Jack J.
They were all very nice to me and we talked most of class because the teachers were just telling us their expectations and blah blah blah. The day came to an end and let's rally up the things that happened shall we? I have a secret to keep, a bitch to fight, and a crush that I really like. Yep high school, good to be back!

(A/N) hey guys here's an extra long update for my time of leave. OMF I still can't believe 1k. Thank you all again for this.
(1254 words)

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