I Have The Most Vivid Dreams

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When I die and they lay me to rest,

Gonna go to the place that's the best

When I lay me down to die,

Goin' up to the spirit in the sky

My eyes flutter open when I realize the music isn't my alarm clock. Immediately, I bring my hand to my face and let out a sigh of relief. Not a paw. I look down to make sure the rest of me is okay, and supress a scream.

Where did my clothes go?!

I look around the barn, only to see a pile of shredded fabric. Found them.

My phone lays off to the side, and I answer the call.

"Hello?" I say into the receiver, my voice dry and hoarse.

"Kennedy? Where are you!?" My mothers voice says, and I cringe, a slight headache still pounding my brain. I look at the screen, only to realize it's 11am and I slept in this dirty old barn all night... Naked.

"I uh..." Shit shit shit! What do I say?! Oh yeah mom sorry I just came outside and morphed into a dog last night I'll come back in the house in my birthday suit soon.

"I.. Went for a jog this morning. Feeling really energetic these days, y'know. Why, what's up?"

"Well we were all going to go see a movie this afternoon.. But I take it you're pretty preoccupied?" She says, and I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Yeah- No- I'll pass, have fun!" I say quickly, and she chuckles before hanging up. A couple minutes later I hear their car pull out, and I make my mad dash to the house. After slamming the door behind me, I run up to my bedroom and pull on some clothes. All that's running through my mind is Google Google Google.

I open my laptop sitting on my bed, unknowingly biting my nails nervously. What if I'm some sort of mutant thing? What if I'm an alien? Werewolves don't exist, they can't. What if-

What if it was just a dream?

I was feeling pretty out of it last night. Maybe, when I went out for air I passed out? Maybe I was dreaming and sleepwalking the whole time. I've read so many books and have such an imagination- who even knows.

But it felt so real.

Because it was real, doofus. Something inside me says. I close my laptop, bring my knees to my chest and just sit there, staring out the window. I'm not crying- quite frankly there's no reason to. I just feel so weird. Even more like an outsider now than before I was..

Before I was a thing.

About a week and a half later, September began, along with school. My birthday passed, not really anything special. 

I pull the Caprice into the school parking lot and find a spot wedged between two massive trucks. Julia and I step out, and momentarily stop to take in the place we'll spend the next ten months in. 

"Ready to die?" She says, and I sigh, nodding. 

"As ready as I'll ever be." I mumble, and we head up to the school. We walk together only because we don't know anyone else, and I'd rather not be alone. 

Scratch that actually, I do know some people. We pass by a group of kids, and I have that same feeling in my gut. I look back and recognize that Bradlee guy along with the two girls. They stare at me as we walk by, and I lower my head.

"Why do they look at you like that, like you're some kind of alien?" Julia whispers, and I shrug. As we approach the doors a couple steps out, stopping right in front of us. I automatically have this sense of fear wash over me, the guy just radiates powerful energy. And from the way people look at him, it's obvious he's like their king. And it's also obvious as to why- he's a massive 6'4 hunk of pure muscle, his blonde hair styled up. He looks at me like the others do; a cold hard stare. I step back slightly.

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