"Hey Hey, Karly chill you pregnant bitch!" Said Nessa as she grabbed me. "No this stupid bitch cheating on me, talking to some bitch on Instagram and calling her baby and shit!" I yelled. "I don't even know shorty like that" said Kendrick. "Bitch stop lying !" I yelled. She let me go and Kendrick slammed me. I laid on the floor and grabbed my stomach I got up. I was bleeding. "Oh shit" said Kendrick. "Karly we gotta take you to the hospital" said Kendrick. We all went to the hospital. Doctor told them to wait out in the waitin room. they put me under anesthesia and I was knocked out.

Kendrick- Karly just went in my phone San seen some old Messeges from a shorty I used o fw before me and her. So we got to fighting and I slammed her and she started bleeding. We took her to the hospital and we had to wait in the waiting room. Man I hope she and the baby okay. I ain't mean to slam her it was out of anger and she didn't even tell me she was pregnant. "Aye doctor what's going on is she okay ?" I asked. "Yes she is fine" he said. "Is the baby okay ?" I asked. "Yes the baby is okay" he said. I was happy to hear that I went in the room to see her and she was knocked out. She woke up and turned her head. "Look Karly, I promise you I didn't mess with that girl at all the last girl I fucked is you" I said. "Kendrick I just hate when you be out all hours of the night and coming back like shit all cool" she said. "Why you ain't tell you was pregnant ?" I asked. "Cause you should've knew" she said. I rubbed her stomach. "This my Jr" I said. "Nah this your other mini Karly" she said. "No it ain't it's my Jr that's my son" I said. "We gonna see" she said. After a couple hours she was safe to go home. We went home. Karly went in the kitchen and grabbed some cookies.

"Nope nuh uh, you better put that back and get a fruit" I said. "My son Finna be healthy and strong" I added. She grabbed a apple and snaked her lips and went in the room and ate it. I took a shower and got out and put lotion on my legs and dried my hair and put it in a ponytail.
I walked in the room and Karly was on her computer watching Makeup tutorials. She looked sexy as fuck with her lil pregnant ass.
"Ouuuwiee girl you look so sexy when you carrying my baby" I said. She smiled and bit her Apple. "I'm hungry" she said. "You got me eating fruit" she said. "I want a burger" she said. I laughed. "Kendrick go get me some Mickey D's" I said. "Did you take your vitamins ?" I asked. "Yes" I said. "Ight Omm order you some Chinese food" I said. "Yay" she cheered. I laid down and she straddled me and I rubbed her stomach. "Don't be stressing my baby out either" I said. "Boy please I never stress" I said. "No I mean like fighting" I said. "We almost lost him" I said. "I ordered your food already" I said. Karlynn was at Nana house. Karly mom left her with a house in Jamaica which was her grandfather house. I didn't not know Karly was Jamaican. Karly said she was going there after my baby get here. Got Karly food when it came to the door. I brung it to her and she was going crazy on that food. After she got done she laid down and started drinking some water. She laid down and took a nap. She be always sleepy. Momma came and dropped Karlynn off cause Karlynn school in the morning. I did Karlynn hair and read her a bedtime story and then it tucked her in and kissed her head and she went to sleep.

I woke up cause I heard somebody knock some glass over in the house. I grabbed my gun and Walked down the stairs and shot the first dude and shot the other dude in the leg. "Who the fuck your work for ?" I asked. "I can't tell you that, if you gon kill me then kill me pussy" he said. I shot him in his head. I ran upstairs and woke Karly up. "Baby get to packing we hitting the road" he said. "Why ?" She asked. "Come on we gotta go some niggas just came and found where we live" I said. I went in the room and packed Karlynn stuff. "Daddy where we going ?" She asked. "We going on a lil Vacation baby" I said. We packed all our stuff and we left. Karly was on her phone and silent in the car. I reached over and rubbed her stomach.
"Baby you okay ?" I asked. "Yes Kendrick I'm fine" she said. He kept texting on her phone then she put it down. "Daddy where we going ?" Asked Karlynn. "We going to my house" I said. We arrived at my house after a few minutes. Karlynn was sleep. Karly got out and walked toward my house. See my house was big it had 20 rooms a Theater, a Gym , 4 pools and a Big Kitchen. It was a dream home. I had 7 cars mostly bugattis. I went and lid Karlynn down in a guest room and I locked the door. Karly laid in the bed. I came and hugged on her. "Move Kendrick" she said. "What's wrong now ?" I asked. "We wouldn't be here if you would stop dealing drugs" she said. "I can't That's All I knew, I ain't grow up like you"I said . "Kendrick what are you talking about ?" She asked. "We been through the same shit" she said. Karly got out the bed and kneeled I front of me as I sat on the bed . "Kendrick open your eyes, you have a daughter in the next room who looks up to you as her protector" she said. "Kendrick, what will I tell that lil girl if her daddy was killed ?" She asked. "Kendrick you can be the best role model for that lil girl in the next room" she said. "She got a role model baby, your running your own production and got over 20 artists signed" I said. "So why can't you do it , or do something better ?" She asked. "Kendrick look at me, I'm carrying your baby am I not ?" She asked. I rubbed her stomach. "Yeah you carrying my son" I said. "So you want your son to be selling drugs and going to jail ?" She asked. "Nah I don't want him to have to work, or sell nothin that's why I'm doing this" I said.

BabymamaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora